Author name: Aman SEO

Periods At Early Age: लड़कियों को कम उम्र में ही क्यों शुरू हो रहे पीरियड्स? जानें इसके बारे में और कैसे रखें बेटियों का ख्याल

Periods At Early Age: क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि आजकल लड़कियों के पीरियड्स पहले की तुलना में जल्दी क्यों शुरू हो रहे हैं? यह एक ऐसा विषय है जो तेजी से ध्यान आकर्षित कर रहा है, और सही भी है। प्रारंभिक मासिक धर्म के कारणों को समझना माता-पिता, शिक्षकों और स्वास्थ्य पेशेवरों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है. 10 साल की उम्र से पहले पीरियड आने वाली लड़कियों की संख्या 8.6% से बढ़कर 15.5% हो गई है और 9 साल की उम्र से पहले पीरियड्स आने वाली लड़कियों की संख्या दोगुना से भी ज्यादा हो गई है. ऐसे में अब लड़कियों में कैंसर से लेकर अन्य घातक बीमारियों का खतरा भी बढ़ गया है.

लड़कियों को कम उम्र में ही क्यों शुरू हो रहे पीरियड्स? जानें इसके बारे में

लड़कियों में मासिक धर्म शुरू होना आम बात है, लेकिन अगर यह प्रक्रिया बहुत कम उम्र में शुरू हो जाए, तो यह चिंता का विषय हो सकता है। पहले, मासिक धर्म आमतौर पर 11 से 15 साल की उम्र के बीच शुरू होता था, लेकिन आजकल, कई लड़कियों को 9 साल की उम्र में ही पहली बार मासिक धर्म शुरू हो जाता है। यह लंबे समय में उनके स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक हो सकता है। अब सवाल यह उठता है कि ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है और आज माता-पिता को इसके बारे में क्या करना चाहिए?

रिसर्च क्या कहता है?

JAMA Network Open जर्नल ने अमेरिका में शोध किया, जिसमें पाया गया कि अमेरिका में लड़कियों को 1950 और 60 के दशक की तुलना में औसतन छह महीने पहले मासिक धर्म शुरू हो रहा है। इस शोध के अनुसार, अब लड़कियों को 9 साल की उम्र में मासिक धर्म शुरू हो रहा है। शोधकर्ताओं ने यह अध्ययन 71,000 से अधिक महिलाओं पर किया।

इन महिलाओं द्वारा साझा किए गए डेटा से पता चला कि 1950 से 1969 के बीच, मासिक धर्म आमतौर पर 12.5 साल की उम्र में शुरू होता था, जबकि 2000 से 2005 के बीच, मासिक धर्म 11 से 12 साल की उम्र के बीच शुरू हुआ। 11 साल की उम्र से पहले मासिक धर्म शुरू होने वाली लड़कियों की संख्या 8.6% से बढ़कर 15.5% हो गई है, और 9 साल की उम्र से पहले मासिक धर्म शुरू होने वाली लड़कियों की संख्या दोगुनी से भी अधिक हो गई है।

शोधकर्ताओं का कहना है कि मासिक धर्म के बदलते रुझानों को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है। शोध में यह भी पाया गया कि अधिकांश लड़कियों को नियमित मासिक धर्म नहीं हो रहा है। अनियमित पीरियड्स की वजह से लड़कियों में कई तरह की बीमारियाँ बढ़ रही हैं, जिनमें पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी सिंड्रोम (PCOS) भी शामिल है।

शोध में दावा किया गया है कि पीरियड्स का जल्दी शुरू होना लड़कियों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक है। इससे हृदय रोग, मोटापा, गर्भपात और समय से पहले मौत का खतरा बढ़ जाता है। शोधकर्ताओं के अनुसार, “अगर किसी लड़की का मासिक धर्म 12 साल की उम्र से पहले शुरू हो जाता है, तो स्तन कैंसर का खतरा 20% बढ़ जाता है।

क्या है इसके पीछे की वजह?

रिसर्चर के अनुसार, लड़कियों में समय से पहले मासिक धर्म होने का कोई एक कारण नहीं है; इसके बजाय, कई कारक हैं जिन्हें समझने की आवश्यकता है।
एक महत्वपूर्ण कारक लड़कियों में बढ़ता मोटापा है। यहाँ तक कि छोटे बच्चे भी अब मोटापे से प्रभावित हैं, और जो कम उम्र से ही अधिक वजन वाले हैं, उन्हें समय से पहले मासिक धर्म होने का अधिक जोखिम होता है। तनाव भी एक प्रमुख योगदान कारक है।
शोधकर्ता बताते हैं, “जब हम उच्च स्तर के तनाव का अनुभव करते हैं, तो हमारा शरीर अधिक कोर्टिसोल और एंड्रोजन हार्मोन जारी करता है। वसा ऊतक इन हार्मोनों को एस्ट्रोजन में परिवर्तित करता है, जो स्तन विकास को बढ़ावा देता है। एस्ट्रोजन के स्तर में परिवर्तन मासिक धर्म की शुरुआत का संकेत दे सकता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, हमारे पर्यावरण में हानिकारक रसायन समय से पहले मासिक धर्म में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। आजकल लड़कियों द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले कॉस्मेटिक प्रोडक्ट्स भी इसको बढ़ावा देते हैं.

क्या उपाय कर सकते हैं माता-पिता?

शोधकर्ताओं का कहना है कि माता-पिता को यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहिए कि उनके बच्चों को फलों और सब्जियों से भरपूर स्वस्थ आहार मिले। एक स्वस्थ और संतुलित आहार समय से पहले यौवन और मासिक धर्म के जोखिम को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है।
उचित आहार के साथ-साथ नियमित व्यायाम और पर्याप्त नींद भी बहुत ज़रूरी है। इन दोनों कारकों पर ध्यान देने से समय से पहले यौवन और मासिक धर्म के जोखिम को कम किया जा सकता है। कुछ शोधों ने देर से सोने और अपर्याप्त नींद को भी समय से पहले यौवन की शुरुआत से जोड़ा है।
शोधकर्ताओं ने सलाह दी है कि माता-पिता को हमेशा ऐसी स्थितियों के लिए तैयार रहना चाहिए और अपने बच्चों को इन मामलों के बारे में पहले से ही बताना शुरू कर देना चाहिए, ताकि वे आने वाली किसी भी परिस्थिति का सामना करने के लिए तैयार रहें।

Periods At Early Age: लड़कियों को कम उम्र में ही क्यों शुरू हो रहे पीरियड्स? जानें इसके बारे में और कैसे रखें बेटियों का ख्याल Read More »

Hydrocele Treatment Without Surgery in Delhi | Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Hydrocele Treatment Without Surgery – The expert Ayurvedic physicians at Dr. Monga Medi Clinic provide holistic and comprehensive treatment of hydrocele without surgery in Delhi and have helped countless patients till now.

Hydrocele in Adults: A hydrocele is a medical condition characterized by the buildup of fluid in the scrotum, the pouch of skin and muscle containing the testicles. Swelling occurs when fluid accumulates in the small sac surrounding a testicle, leading to the bulging or swelling of the scrotum. This abnormal fluid accumulation can cause discomfort and alter the appearance of the scrotum.

Hydroceles can affect one or both sides of the scrotum. While they are generally not considered dangerous, they can be painful and impact the aesthetic appearance of the scrotum, potentially affecting the self-confidence of affected individuals. Thus, consulting a doctor is advisable for treatment of hydrocele.

Types of Hydroceles

There are two most common types of hydroceles, they are:

Non-communicating Hydroceles: This type occurs when the sac closes, but the fluid within it is not absorbed by the body. Typically, the body naturally absorbs the residual fluid within less than a year.

Communicating Hydroceles: These hydroceles result from the incomplete closure of the sac surrounding the testicle. This incomplete closure allows for the inflow and outflow of fluid, contributing to the persistence of the hydrocele.

Hydrocele Treatment:

For newborns with hydrocele, it often resolves on its own within a year. Surgical intervention may be considered if the hydrocele persists or is particularly large.

In adults, hydroceles typically resolve if caused by inflammation due to trauma or a treatable illness. Ayurveda has shown effectiveness in treating hydroceles without the need for surgery.

In cases where hydrocele is severe, surgery may be recommended. Surgical options include hydrocelectomy or needle aspiration.

Meet Your Friendly Doctors

We take pride in having some of the best Ayurvedic & Allopathic physicians on our panel, equipped with qualifications, experience, and expertise to provide solutions for hydrocele and infertility-related problems.

Side Effects of Hydrocele Operation:

Hydrocele surgery, like any medical procedure, carries certain risks and potential side effects, including:

Risks connected to anesthesia:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Breathing issues.
  • Abnormalities in heart rhythm.

Risks connected to the surgery:

  • Haemorrhage or severe bleeding.
  • Scrotal injuries, including those involving nerves.
  • Infection.

For needle aspiration, the most common adverse reactions are the potential for infection and temporary scrotal discomfort.

It’s important to note that while surgery is a common approach, there are effective alternatives for those who are uncomfortable with the idea of undergoing surgery. Non-surgical hydrocele treatments for adults are available and can provide viable options for managing the condition.

Herbal Paste Application:

Applying a herbal paste made by mixing black pepper and cumin powder in water is known to have positive effects, helping to reduce pain and inflammation associated with hydrocele.

Epsom Salt Baths:

Draining hydrocele can be assisted by taking Epsom salt baths. This remedy not only aids in alleviating tenderness and pain but also improves blood circulation.

Ice Packs and Cold Compress:

Using ice packs or cold compresses can be effective in relieving pain and reducing scrotal swelling associated with hydrocele.

Jockstrap or Scrotal Support:

Wearing a jockstrap or scrotal support can help prevent the aggravation of symptoms and provide additional support.

Hydration with Aloe Vera and Amla Juice:

Maintaining proper hydration is essential. Equal parts of aloe vera and amla juice, when consumed, not only help keep the body hydrated but also contribute to relieving pain and soreness in the scrotum.

It’s important to note that while these home remedies may offer relief, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable for a comprehensive evaluation and guidance on managing hydrocele.

Hydrocele Treatment in Ayurveda:

Ayurveda, one of the oldest medical disciplines, offers effective remedies for treating hydrocele. These include:

Punarnava: Punarnava is known for effectively reducing discomfort, swelling, and itching associated with hydrocele. Ayurvedic physicians often prescribe Punarnava along with other medications to alleviate symptoms and lower the risk of complications.

Erand (Ricinus Communis): Erand is a potent Ayurvedic treatment for hydrocele, leveraging its antioxidant properties to relieve symptoms and prevent the worsening of the condition.

Kanchanar: Kanchanar is a frequently prescribed Ayurvedic treatment for hydrocele due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It plays a significant role in reducing pain and other uncomfortable symptoms, while also decreasing scrotal inflammation.

Varun: When it comes to hydrocele, Varun, an Ayurvedic medication, offers several advantages. It keeps the hydrocele fluid from becoming infected and has excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Ayurvedic treatment of hydrocele using herbs is beneficial in treating the disease. However, this treatment should be taken only after consulting an experienced Ayurvedic physician. An expert Ayurvedic doctor offers holistic treatment for hydrocele by not just relieving the symptoms, but by aiming tobalance the three doshas of an individual.

Expert Ayurvedic physicians at Dr. Monga Medi Clinic offers a holistic and comprehensive hydrocele treatment without surgery in Delhi and have helped innumerable patients till date.

Why Choose Dr. Monga Clinic for Hydrocele Treatment:

Dr. Monga Medi Clinic specializes in integrated medicine, offering a comprehensive approach to the treatment of hydrocele by combining the strengths of Ayurveda and Allopathy. This unique combination ensures superior results in the management of hydrocele.

Hydrocele Treatment Without Surgery in delhi

Key features of Dr. Monga Medi Clinic’s approach to hydrocele treatment include:

Integrated Medicine:

Dr. Monga Medi Clinic employs an integrated medicine approach, combining Ayurveda and Allopathy for effective and holistic treatment of hydrocele.

Certified Dietitians:

Certified dietitians at the clinic provide valuable guidance to patients regarding suitable dietary choices for hydrocele. They advise on both beneficial and detrimental foods for managing the condition.

Counseling Support:

The clinic offers counseling support to help patients overcome any self-esteem issues related to hydrocele. The dedicated counselors also provide reassurance to partners, explaining the harmlessness of the condition.

Choosing Dr. Monga Medi Clinic ensures access to a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses not only the physical aspects of hydrocele but also considers dietary factors and emotional well-being. The clinic’s commitment to integrated medicine and patient support sets it apart in providing superior care for individuals dealing with hydrocele.

Hydrocele Treatment Without Surgery in Delhi | Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Read More »

Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Delhi

Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic offers comprehensive Ayurvedic treatments for sexual disorders in Delhi, providing Effective solutions for various sexual health issues. Our experienced Ayurvedic doctors specialize in addressing concerns such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, and more. Using a holistic approach, Dr. Monga combines traditional Ayurvedic remedies, lifestyle adjustments, and personalized therapies to restore sexual well-being. If you’re seeking natural and safe solutions for sexual disorders, our experts in Delhi are here to guide you towards improved vitality and intimacy. Reclaim your sexual health and confidence with tailored Ayurvedic treatments at Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi.

In reality, there is still a lack of information and a need for more data about sexual issues such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and erectile dysfunction, as well as proper consideration of sexual health. This lack of information contributes to a significant portion of the population facing sexual disorders being unable to gather the confidence to openly discuss their sexual problems. Many people fear seeking help from specialists for their sexual problems due to the perceived stigma associated with discussing sex.

A sexual disorder, or sexual problem, is defined as “a problem in any area of the sexual response cycle that prevents the individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction during sexual intercourse.” Sexual disorders can affect both men and women and can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical, psychological, or emotional issues.

Although scientific analysis indicates that sexual dysfunctions are common (affecting 43% of women and 31% of men), it remains a topic that many individuals hesitate to acknowledge or understand. Fortunately, almost all cases of sexual problems can be treated at Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Health Center using effective Ayurvedic techniques and medications. So, book an appointment with our sexologists in Delhi to enhance your sexual health.

Sexual Problems in Men

Several common sexual problems can affect men. Here are some of the most prevalent ones:

  • Erectile Dysfunction: This condition involves the inability to maintain an erection strong enough for sexual activity. It can be caused by physical factors such as diabetes, or heart disease, or psychological factors like anxiety or depression.
  • Premature Ejaculation: This occurs when a man ejaculates before he or his partner is ready. It may be triggered by psychological factors such as anxiety or stress, or physical factors like prostate problems or thyroid issues.
  • Low Libido: This refers to a reduced or lack of sexual desire. It can stem from physical factors like low testosterone levels, or psychological factors such as depression or stress.
  • Delayed Ejaculation: This is characterized by difficulty ejaculating or the inability to ejaculate altogether. It can be caused by psychological factors like anxiety or relationship problems, or physical factors such as nerve damage or medication side effects.
  • Infertility: In general, infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant (conceive) after one year (or longer) of unprotected sex. Because fertility in women is known to decline steadily with age, some providers evaluate and treat women aged 35 years or older after 6 months of unprotected sex
  • Retrograde Ejaculation: This occurs when semen is directed back into the bladder instead of being ejaculated out of the penis. It may be caused by certain medications or nerve damage.
  • Priapism: This is an extended and painful erection lasting more than four hours. It is typically due to blood flow problems in the penis and requires medical attention.

Sexual Problems in Women

Several common sexual problems can affect women. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Low Libido: This refers to a reduced or lack of sexual desire. It can be caused by physical factors such as hormonal changes or psychological factors like stress or relationship problems.
  • Painful Intercourse: This occurs when sexual intercourse is painful or uncomfortable. Various factors such as vaginal dryness, infections, or certain medical conditions can contribute to it.
  • Difficulty Reaching Orgasm: This is when a woman struggles to achieve orgasm or cannot achieve one at all. It may be caused by physical factors like hormonal imbalances or psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, or medication side effects.
  • Vaginismus: This involves involuntary contraction of the muscles around the vagina, making penetration difficult or impossible. It can be triggered by physical or psychological factors such as anxiety or trauma.
  • Dyspareunia: This refers to persistent or recurrent pain during sexual intercourse. It can be caused by physical factors like vaginal dryness, infections, or certain medical conditions.
  • Sexual Aversion: This is an extreme or persistent avoidance of sexual activity, often stemming from psychological factors such as anxiety, trauma, or relationship problems.
  • Genital Arousal Disorder: This involves a persistent or recurrent inability to achieve or maintain genital arousal during sexual activity. It can be caused by physical factors like hormonal imbalances, medication side effects, or trauma.

It’s important to note that these sexual problems are common and treatable. Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi offers Ayurvedic treatments for sexual problems as an effective first step toward healing these disorders.

Symptoms of Sexual Problems in Men

  • Inability to achieve or sustain an erection suitable for intercourse (erectile dysfunction)
  • Absent or delayed ejaculation despite adequate sexual stimulation (retarded ejaculation)
  • Inability to control the timing of ejaculation (early or premature ejaculation)

Symptoms of Sexual Problems in Women

  • Inability to achieve orgasm
  • Inadequate vaginal lubrication before and during intercourse
  • Inability to relax the vaginal muscles enough to allow intercourse

Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic Offers Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) refers to the consistent inability to achieve a satisfactory erection for intercourse. It’s a condition primarily affecting men, often leading to a loss of confidence and potential tension with one’s partner.

If this issue persists daily, it’s important to seek advice from a reputable sexologist or ayurvedic practitioner. Dr. Monga’s Clinic offers effective ayurvedic treatments for Erectile Dysfunction and other sexual problems in Delhi. Our approach involves natural herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Guggulu, Turmeric, and Triphala, aimed at relieving the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic Offers Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) refers to the quick emission of semen from the body through the penis during sexual activity. While PE isn’t usually a cause for concern, it can make sexual intercourse less enjoyable and affect your relationship with your partner. Additionally, it can be frustrating and may impact fertility.

Men experiencing premature ejaculation should consult a healthcare provider about their symptoms, as the condition can be distressing. At Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic delhi, personalized ayurvedic treatment options for premature ejaculation are available to help improve sexual function and overall quality of life. Our approach typically includes a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and herbal remedies tailored to the individual’s needs.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic Offers Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Sperm Count

Many men may be unaware of their sexual health issues, including low sperm count. Factors such as medical conditions, environmental influences, and lifestyle choices can all contribute to a decrease in sperm count. Sperm production is a complex process, and any disruptions in the organs involved can lead to reduced sperm production. However, the purpose behind the issue of low sperm isn’t known.

In addition to conventional Western medications, Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi provides effective Ayurvedic treatment for low sperm count, without harmful side effects on overall health. Our ayurvedic treatment plan for low sperm count includes yoga and meditation to give you a healthy sexual life.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Sperm Count

Low Libido treatment in delhi

Are your interest in sex decreasing with age? If yes meet best doctor for loss of libido treatment, Male specialist doctor low sex desire in Delhi/NCR Dr. Monga clinic.

Low Libido treatment in delhi

Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic Offers Ayurvedic Treatment for Male and Female Infertility

There are numerous factors contributing to infertility in females, often stemming from various aspects of their reproductive system. For females to conceive, it is crucial to produce eggs in the ovaries, which then travel through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus for fertilization. However, infertility arises when this comprehensive process doesn’t occur as expected in the uterus.

Similarly, male infertility has several causes, such as a low sperm count or impaired reproductive capability.

Infertility, whether in men or women, can result from various medical or psychological issues. Regardless of the cause, our sexologists at Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic address infertility concerns with effective Ayurvedic treatments. As a result, thousands of patients have successfully conceived at Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi, India, within a short period.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Male and Female Infertility

Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic Offers Ayurvedic Treatment for Night Fall

As individuals reach adolescence, their bodies undergo numerous changes, including the development of sex organs and hormones. Due to hormonal fluctuations, young men may experience masturbation and nocturnal emissions, commonly known as nightfall.

Nightfall is a common issue among young boys, and men of all ages can be affected by this condition. It can have negative effects on sexual health and may result from factors like deformity and excessive masturbation, leading to further sexual problems.

However, Ayurveda provides solutions for treating nightfall by balancing the doshas in the body. Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi offers ayurvedic treatment and therapeutic procedures for all types of sexual problems, including nightfall. Our approach typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and dietary modifications aimed at addressing nightfall or swapndosh.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Night Fall

low libido in women:

In general, sex drive decreases gradually with age in both men and women. However, women are two to three times more likely to be affected by a decline in sex drive as they age, starting in their late 40s and 50s.

low libido in women:

Painful intercourse in female

Pain in the vagina could be caused by: an infection – thrush or a sexually transmitted infection (STI), such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea or genital herpes. the menopause – changing hormone levels can make your vagina dry. lack of sexual arousal at any age.

Painful intercourse in female

Vaginismus Treatment

Vaginismus is a type of sexual dysfunction that causes the vagina to suddenly tighten when something is inserted into it. It can be painful and upsetting, but it can be treated.

Vaginismus Treatment

Dyspareunia Treatment

Best treatment for Dyspareunia in Delhi by doctor treat the persistant genital pain during and after intercourse-in dr monga clinic in Delhi

Dyspareunia Treatment

What Are the Primary Causes of Sexual Disorders in Delhi?
Many people experience psychologically induced sexual dysfunction. Concerns about sexual performance, feelings of guilt regarding sexual desire and activity, relationship issues, depression, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem or body image concerns, and the lingering effects of past sexual trauma, molestation, or negative experiences can all negatively impact sexual function.

Physical causes can also contribute to sexual disorders. Conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, hormonal imbalances, nerve damage, or side effects of certain medications can all play a role.

Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, past traumatic experiences, or low self-esteem can also contribute to sexual disorders.

Lifestyle habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, or leading a sedentary lifestyle can further exacerbate sexual issues.

Aging can lead to a decline in sexual function for men, due to changes in hormone levels, blood flow, and other physical factors.

Sexual disorders may also be symptomatic of underlying medical conditions such as urological infections or cancer, cardiovascular disease, hormonal imbalances, alcoholism, drug abuse, neurological disorders, chronic diseases like kidney failure, or nerve damage.

If you experience any of these symptoms, seeking guidance from our experienced sexologists in Delhi can be beneficial. Our Ayurvedic treatment for sexual problems typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and dietary modifications aimed at balancing the body’s three doshas for optimal mental and physical health.

Ayurvedic Sexologist Near Delhi, India
We have direct consultations in Delhi, India. We treat patients from Punjab, Uttrakhand, Assam, Odisha, Kerala, Bangalore Mumbai, Ahemadabad etc.

Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Delhi

Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Noida

Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Gurgaon

Top Ayurvedic Sexologist in India

To receive a free consultation regarding Ayurvedic treatment for sexual problems or Gupt Rog in Delhi from our highly experienced and qualified sexologists or Ayurvedic doctors, you can contact Dr. Monga’s Ayurvedic Clinic via phone call, WhatsApp, or email.
+91 8010977000

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Best Sexologist in Noida

Best Sexologist in Noida – When seeking the finest sexologist in your vicinity, Dr. Yuvraj Monga emerges as a prominent name. Renowned as one of the leading sexologist doctors in Noida, he boasts over 24 years of expertise in sexual health. Dr. Monga is dedicated to delivering comprehensive assessments, precise diagnoses, and effective treatments for various sexual disorders.

Our accomplished team of sexology experts in Noida holds extensive experience in addressing a myriad of male sexual health issues. They offer confidential services, employing state-of-the-art medical and psychological treatments at their andrology clinics located in Lajpat Nagar, Dwarka, Rajouri Garden, Noida, and Gurgaon.

Male sexual dysfunction tends to be more prevalent in men over 40, often giving rise to emotional challenges such as shame, low self-esteem, diminished confidence, and depression, in addition to physical symptoms.

Sexual disorders can have diverse causes, encompassing physical, psychological, and interpersonal factors. Factors like changes in the environment, diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid issues, high cholesterol, certain medications, radiation from electronic gadgets, dietary habits, pollution, stress, and anxiety due to work pressure and lack of communication skills contribute significantly to the development of sexual problems.

Sexual problems are experienced by many men and include:

  • male erectile disorder or erectile dysfunction
  • premature ejaculation
  • lack of libido or low sexual desire
  • delayed ejaculation
  • sexual pain
  • infertility

Sexologists, including renowned figures like Dr. Yuvraj Monga, specialize in treating disorders like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, low sexual desire, and low testosterone hormone levels. Dr. Monga’s expertise extends to areas such as sexual development (puberty), sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual relationships, sexual behavior, paraphilias, and unusual sexual interests.

For those in need, Dr. Monga Clinic provides top-notch sexologist services in Noida, delivering effective treatments at affordable prices. To learn more, please contact us at 8010977000.

Sexologist Doctor in Noida

Dr. Monga, a renowned sexologist in Noida, has garnered numerous accolades, including the Indian Achiever, Times Wellness, Economic Development Forum, International Sexologist award, and many more, establishing him as the leading sexologist in Noida.

With a wealth of experience, Dr. Monga has successfully addressed a wide range of sex-related issues, from simple to complex challenges faced by couples. His extensive expertise makes him one of the most prominent sexologists in Noida, as he alleviates the stress experienced by couples dealing with various sexual difficulties. Dr. Monga adopts a friendly approach, conducting open communication to explain the root cause of the problem and providing a permanent solution.

Recognizing the challenges individuals face in their sexual lives, Dr. Monga engages in thorough diagnosis to eliminate the underlying causes of sexual dysfunction, solidifying his position as one of the top sexologists in Noida.

Dr. Monga not only offers medical treatments but also educates his patients about the science behind the sexual process, empowering them to understand their body and physical needs. If you are seeking a top sexologist in Noida, you can meet the Best Sexologist Doctor in Noida – Dr. Monga – by simply calling or WhatsApping us at +918010977000. You can also book an online appointment to have a conversation with Dr. Monga through our website.

Best Sexologist Doctor in Noida

Erectile Dysfunction:

According to Dr. Yuvraj Monga, a leading sexologist in Noida, erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence involves the inability to get or maintain an erection for complete sexual intercourse. It becomes more common after midlife, affecting approximately 50% of men over 40. ED is especially prevalent in men with diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, fatty liver, obesity, and coronary heart disease, and is often linked to the use of various prescription medications.

Premature Ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation is characterized by a man’s inability to delay orgasm and ejaculation, impacting the satisfaction of both partners during sexual intercourse. Dr. Yuvraj Monga’s sex study revealed that almost 30% of men express concerns about premature ejaculation, seeking professional advice or treatment due to its significant impact on their sex lives. This issue is not confined to young, sexually inexperienced men but can also affect older men with no history of previous problems, especially those with co-existing erectile disorders.

Low Testosterone:

Approximately 15% of men experience low sexual desire, often attributed to low testosterone levels. This can be associated with other sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or relationship difficulties. Evaluation by sexologist doctors in Noida can help identify psychological and medical factors affecting desire. Low libido linked to fatigue, stress, and emotional problems like depression and insomnia is increasingly common.

Masturbation Addiction:

Masturbation is often misunderstood in the realm of sex addiction. Not every individual who masturbates is addicted, but for those who are, it signifies a form of sexual addiction. It’s essential not to stigmatize individuals with such challenges, and seeking assistance from a qualified professional is crucial.

Night Discharge:

Nightfall or wet dreams involve the automatic ejaculation of semen during sleep, sometimes accompanied by erotic dreams. If nocturnal emissions occur twice or thrice a month, no treatment is generally required. However, more frequent occurrences may necessitate intervention and treatment by a qualified professional.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a sexual disorder?

The most common types of male sexual dysfunction, according to the best sexologist in Noida, include:

Erectile Dysfunction: Difficulty obtaining and maintaining an erection.
Premature Ejaculation: Ejaculation occurs too soon, reaching orgasm too quickly.
Delayed Ejaculation: Ejaculation is slowed or stopped, reaching orgasm too slowly or not at all.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD): Lack of libido, indicating reduced interest in sex.
Dyspareunia: Painful sexual intercourse.

What are the causes of sexual problems?

Sexual weakness suggests underlying health issues, which could be attributed to physical, mental, or psychological factors. Factors contributing to sexual problems include:

Physical Causes:

Testosterone deficiency (Low libido or low desire).
Prescription medications (antidepressants, high blood pressure medicine).
Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high blood pressure, both examples of blood vessel disorders.
Diabetes or surgery leading to stroke or nerve damage.
Alcoholism and drug addiction.
Prostate cancer.
Multiple sclerosis.

What symptoms of sexual dysfunction are there?

Difficulty in achieving or maintaining a firm penile erection suitable for sexual activity.

Ejaculation issues, characterized by either delayed or absent ejaculation due to excessive sexual excitement.

Difficulty in controlling the duration of ejaculation.

If you are experiencing these signs, it is advisable to seek the best Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Noida for appropriate guidance and assistance.

Why Choose Dr. Monga for Sexual Dysfunction?

Are you hesitant to consult with a sexologist doctor in Noida? Whether you’re a young adult or facing challenges related to your sexual health, Dr. Monga offers the best treatment for your needs.

We assure the utmost confidentiality of patient information. If you’re seeking the top sexologist in India, you’ve landed on the right platform. Dr. Monga’s Clinic is a renowned sexology clinic that specializes in Sexual Disorder Treatment.

When you reach out to Dr. Monga Clinic, you can expect genuine and comprehensive treatment. Rest assured, there’s no need to worry, as you will receive the appropriate medical care. The effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment is guaranteed to enhance your sexual relationship, making it more enjoyable.

Dr. Monga is a skilled practitioner in identifying the root cause of your issue. His clinic is designed to provide a relaxed environment where you can comfortably discuss your sexual concerns. Dr. Monga’s approachable demeanor encourages individuals to freely express their worries, and he guides them in the best methods to regain their confidence.

Choose Dr. Monga for expert guidance and a supportive atmosphere on your journey to improved sexual health.

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Expert Sexual Treatment- Best sexologist doctor in Mumbai |Call 8010977000

Expert Sexual Treatment- Sexologist in Mumbai Call 8010977000

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is the best sexologist doctor in Mumbai for the treatment of sexual problems. He has been honored by many organizations for his contributions to the field of sexology. He has over 20 years of experience in the medical field.
If you search Best sexologist doctor in Mumbai on Google you will get many recommendations for Dr.Yuvraj Monga.

Best Sexologist In Mumbai when needed?

Many people have sexual problems at some point in their lives. This is natural, but it increases stress levels and can lead to conflict in the relationship.

However, not all problems go away with time, which usually turns into dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction at other levels of life as well. A large number of people do not realize how common sexuality problems are.

This topic is still taboo for many people. However, you should not be shy – just like when it comes to health issues, we take help from the best sexologist, Dr. Yuvraj Monga.

He has good experience and has treated thousands of patients successfully.
Treatments provided by India’s best sexologist Dr. Monga are as follows:

  • Loss of libido
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Problems in construction and maintenance
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction
Sexologist in Mumbai

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) About Dr. Yuvraj Monga

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is one of the best sexologists who has wide experience in addressing different types of sexual concerns.

His compassionate approach, extensive knowledge, and commitment to patient care have earned him the reputation of being one of the top sexologists in India.

How does Dr. Yuvraj Monga ensure patient comfort and confidentiality?

Patient comfort and confidentiality are of paramount importance to Dr. Monga. He creates a welcoming environment where patients can discuss their concerns openly and without judgment.
Strict ethical guidelines are followed to ensure that all discussions and personal information remain confidential.

Is Dr. Monga’s approach holistic?

Yes, Dr. Monga takes a holistic approach to sexual health. They believe that sexual well-being is linked to the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of a person’s life. As a result, their treatment plans are based on the broader context of each individual’s overall health and well-being.

How do I schedule an appointment with Dr. Monga?

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Monga, you can contact his clinic directly via phone or email. Their team will help you find a suitable time for your visit. To ensure that Dr. Monga can effectively address your needs, it is recommended to provide a brief description of your concerns when scheduling an appointment.

Expert Sexual Treatment- Best sexologist doctor in Mumbai |Call 8010977000 Read More »

इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (नपुंसकता ) का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज (Ayurvedic Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction In Hindi)

इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (Erectile Dysfunction) पुरुषों की एक यौन समस्या है। बड़ी संख्या में भारतीय पुरुष इस यौन स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्या से पीड़ित हैं। इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन के कई कारण हो सकते हैं।
जिसमें मुख्य कारण गलत खान-पान और गलत जीवनशैली है। इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन ((Erectile Dysfunction) के कारण लोगों की सेक्स लाइफ पर बुरा असर पड़ता है जिससे उनका शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य भी खराब हो जाता है।
वहीं, पार्टनर के साथ झगड़े और मानसिक दबाव जैसी स्थितियां भी ऐसी यौन स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के साथ सामने आती हैं। ऐसी यौन स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं से राहत पाने के लिए आप स्वस्थ खाद्य पदार्थों और आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं का सेवन कर सकते हैं। जिससे आपकी परेशानी कम हो सकती है.
आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सकों का मानना है कि स्तंभन दोष अक्सर शरीर के दोषों, विशेषकर वात दोष में असंतुलन का परिणाम होता है। इस स्थिति का इलाज करने के लिए, आयुर्वेद आहार परिवर्तन, हर्बल उपचार, जीवनशैली समायोजन और उपचारों के संयोजन पर जोर देता है।

इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (नपुंसकता ) का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज (Ayurvedic Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction In Hindi)

आहार परिवर्तन:

संतुलित आहार खाना जिसमें ताजे फल, सब्जियाँ, साबुत अनाज और दुबला प्रोटीन शामिल हो, आवश्यक है।
कद्दू के बीज और पालक जैसे जिंक युक्त खाद्य पदार्थों की सिफारिश की जाती है क्योंकि ये यौन स्वास्थ्य में मदद करते हैं।

“शराब और कैफीन के अत्यधिक सेवन से बचें”

इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन को दूर करेंगी ये आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी-बूटियां – Ayurvedic Herbs For Erectile Dsyfunction In Hindi 

हर्बल उपचार:

अश्वगंधा, शिलाजीत, सफ़ेद मूसली और गोक्षुरा जैसी आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी-बूटियों का उपयोग अक्सर यौन क्रिया को बेहतर बनाने के लिए किया जाता है।

अश्वगंधा (Ashwagandha)  यह तंत्रिका तंत्र, श्वसन प्रणाली और प्रजनन अंगों पर काम करता है। यह शक्तिदायक, कामोत्तेजक और वीर्यवर्धक औषधि है जो स्तंभन दोष में लाभकारी सिद्ध होती है।

अश्वगंधा (Ashwagandha)

शिलाजीत (Shilajit )  यह भी एक सशक्त कामोत्तेजक औषधि है जो पुरुषों में स्तंभन दोष को दूर करने में फायदेमंद साबित होती है। इसका प्रयोग शिलाजीत के साथ भी किया जाता है।

शिलाजीत (Shilajit )

सफेद मूसली (Musli) – सफेद मूसली का उपयोग आयुर्वेद में औषधि के रूप में किया जाता है। इसके सेवन से पुरुषों में टेस्टोस्टेरोन हार्मोन का स्तर बढ़ जाता है। यह सेक्स पावर बढ़ाने और इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन से छुटकारा पाने के लिए एक बेहतरीन जड़ी-बूटी है। इसका उपयोग सेक्स टाइम बढ़ाने के लिए भी किया जाता है।

सफेद मूसली (Musli)

गोक्षुरा (Bindii)  यह प्रजनन और तंत्रिका तंत्र पर काम करता है। यह कामोत्तेजक और वीर्यवर्धक औषधि है। यह शरीर में जमा विषैले पदार्थों को मूत्र मार्ग से बाहर निकालकर शरीर को ताकत प्रदान करता है, जो इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन को ठीक करने में फायदेमंद साबित होता है।

माना जाता है कि ये जड़ी-बूटियाँ कामेच्छा बढ़ाने, रक्त परिसंचरण को बढ़ाने और समग्र यौन प्रदर्शन में सुधार करने में मदद करती हैं।

जीवनशैली समायोजन:

  • तनाव और चिंता स्तंभन दोष में योगदान देने वाले महत्वपूर्ण कारक हो सकते हैं।
  • आयुर्वेद योग और ध्यान जैसी तनाव कम करने की तकनीकों का सुझाव देता है।
  • पर्याप्त नींद लेना यौन स्वास्थ्य सहित समग्र स्वास्थ्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।


पंचकर्म जैसी आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा, जिसमें अभ्यंग (मालिश) और स्वेदन (भाप चिकित्सा) जैसे उपचार शामिल हैं, शरीर को विषहरण करने और परिसंचरण में सुधार करने में मदद कर सकते हैं।

यह ध्यान रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि आयुर्वेदिक उपचार समग्र और व्यक्तिगत हैं। इसलिए, आपकी विशिष्ट आवश्यकताओं के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त उपचार योजना निर्धारित करने के लिए किसी आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक से परामर्श करना आवश्यक है।
इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (नपुंसकता ) का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज (Ayurvedic Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction In Hindi)

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

प्रश्न: क्या स्तंभन दोष (Erectile Dysfunction) सामान्य है?

उ०: ईडी (Erectile Dysfunction) का निदान इन संकेतों से किया जा सकता है: इरेक्शन प्राप्त करने में असमर्थता, इरेक्शन बनाए रखने में असमर्थता, यौन गतिविधि की इच्छा में कमी।

प्रश्न: स्तंभन दोष (Erectile Dysfunction) का क्या कारण है?

उ०: इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (Erectile Dysfunction) के अलग-अलग कारण हो सकते हैं जैसे उम्र, मोटापा, दवाएं या अन्य चिकित्सीय स्थितियां।

प्रश्न: क्या स्तंभन दोष (Erectile Dysfunction) बांझपन का कारण बन सकता है?

उ०: पुरुष बांझपन कम शुक्राणु उत्पादन, शुक्राणु असामान्यताएं या शुक्राणु वितरण प्रणाली में रुकावट के कारण होता है। ईडी बांझपन का सीधा कारण नहीं है।

इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (नपुंसकता ) का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज (Ayurvedic Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction In Hindi) Read More »

📞8010931122, Best Diabetes Clinic in Lajpat Nagar Delhi

Best clinic for Diabetes in Delhi– Are you searching for a diabetes reversal program in Lajpat Nagar? Look no further! At the best diabetes clinic in Lajpat Nagar, we offer a range of unique features to support your journey toward reversing diabetes:

  1. Benefit from a dedicated personal coach who will provide individualized guidance and support throughout your program.
  2. Engage in counseling sessions through chat or phone calls, ensuring convenient access to professional advice and assistance.
  3. Receive customized diet plans based on your medical history, tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences.
  4. Stay connected and receive dedicated online support during weekday office hours for immediate assistance.

Experience our unique selling points and embark on your path to reversing diabetes. Contact us today at the best diabetes clinic in Lajpat Nagar for a comprehensive diabetes reversal program tailored just for you.

Best Doctors for Diabetes in Lajpat Nagar

Symptoms of Diabetes:

  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst and hunger
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Numbness or tingling in hands or feet
  • Recurrent infections

Causes of Diabetes:

Diabetes is a chronic condition due to either the body’s inability to produce insulin or inefficient use of insulin. The causes vary depending on the type of diabetes:

  1. Type 1 Diabetes: This type usually develops in childhood or early adulthood. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, leading to little or no insulin production.
  2. Type 2 Diabetes is more common and often associated with lifestyle factors. It occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
  3. Gestational Diabetes: This type affects pregnant women and usually resolves after childbirth. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to insulin resistance, resulting in high blood sugar levels.

Do You Want to Reverse Your Diabetes?

Best Diabetes Doctor in Delhi– Is your HbA1C level constantly rising? Fasting above 120? Don’t worry, you can now reverse your diabetes within just 30 days. Join Dr. Monga’s counseling sessions and discover effective methods to reverse your diabetes. During the session, you will also have the opportunity to choose a personalized plan that suits your needs. Take the first step towards a diabetes-free life by booking an appointment at Dr. Monga Clinic, located in Lajpat Nagar. Experience the freedom from diabetes that you’ve been longing for.

Diabetes Clinic in Lajpat Nagar:

Dr. Monga’s clinic specializes in providing personalized plans that integrate various aspects of medicine, including diet counseling and exercise guidance. Their approach is based on a thorough assessment of your individual needs, which includes analyzing your test reports. With a focus on personalized care, Dr. Monga empowers you to take control of your health and make informed decisions about your treatment. During Treatment they provide ongoing support and guidance, monitoring your progress and adjusting the plan as needed to ensure optimal results.

FAQs about Diabetes:

Q1: What are the risk factors for developing diabetes?

A: The risk factors include family history, being overweight or obese, a sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and certain ethnic backgrounds.

Q2: Can diabetes be prevented?

A: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, regular physical activity, and stress management reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Q3: How is diabetes diagnosed?

A: Diabetes can be diagnosed through blood tests measuring fasting blood sugar levels, oral glucose tolerance tests, or glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels.

Q4: What are the treatment options for diabetes?

A: Diabetes treatment depends on the type and severity. It may include lifestyle modifications (diet and exercise), oral medications, insulin therapy, and regular monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Q5: Can diabetes be reversed?

A: Diabetes is a chronic condition that can be reversed with lifestyle changes, medication, and support.

If you’re in Lajpat Nagar, Delhi, and seeking a diabetes clinic, contact the best diabetes clinic at 📞8010931122. Our experienced healthcare professionals will provide personalized treatment plans and guide you on your journey toward reversing diabetes

📞8010931122, Best Diabetes Clinic in Lajpat Nagar Delhi Read More »

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