What To Eat And What Not To Eat In Sugar Disease

What To Eat And What Not To Eat In Sugar Disease

Diabetic patients can take sprouted grains and fat free milk for breakfast. Apart from this, 1-2 bowls of oatmeal and brown bread would also be a good option.


Blood pressure and  diabetes  are such diseases that completely change the life of a person and a woman. Due to diabetes, there is a lack of insulin in the body. Some people take English medicine to control and treat Type 1 and 2 sugar, but you can also treat sugar at home with Ayurvedic medicine, home remedies and home remedies. To reduce diabetes, along with treatment, it is important to be aware of what to eat and what not to eat in sugar.

What to Do If you have Diabetes     

If you are also troubled by sugar, then get it checked by a good health expert near you, for this you will need to find a good expert, but now you do not need to worry at all, because your problem is solved. You will also get the solution online.

 Here you will get a list of good experts according to your area  l With whom you can talk online or offline, you can reduce sugar by adopting the measures given below.

due to diabetes 

  • 1. Always eat food on time in diabetes and instead of eating food again and again, eat well only once.

symptoms of diabetes

There are many symptoms of sugar, of which the main symptoms are being told here. If any person sees most of these symptoms, then immediately go to the doctor and get the test done.

excessive hunger _ _ _       

  • Diet tips for diabetics

Even after having sugar, some people do not control their diet and eat whatever comes to mind, but there are some foods which sugar patient should not eat and by eating them, the sugar level starts increasing.

Due to the fear of increasing diabetes, some patients stop drinking food and the reason for this is lack of correct information. If you have complete information about what to eat and what not in diabetes, then you can keep sugar under control.

A diabetic patient should take 1600 to 1700 calories in a day. To keep diabetes low, the diet should be balanced and at the same time it is also important to eat food on time. Apart from this, if you include yoga and exercise in your daily routine, then it will help in keeping sugar control.

  • What to Eat in Sugar Disease 
  • 1. Amla, papaya, cantaloupe, guava, berries, lemon and orange can be eaten in fruits that are high in sugar. Eat 100 to 150 grams of fruits every day.

2. In vegetables, you can eat okra, cucumber, capsicum, carrot, broccoli, turnip, cucumber, pumpkin, mustard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, radish, tomato and bitter gourd. Apart from these, fenugreek, spinach and other green vegetables should also be eaten.

3. Take more amount of fiber in your diet. Eat brown bread and oatmeal, it is high in fiber.

4. Use wheat flour, brown rice, peeled pulses and unpolished rice.

5. Eat whole gram, soybean, sprouted gram and pulses and kidney beans.

6. Some people affected by sugar also have a question whether they can eat non veg. Eggs, chicken and fish can be eaten in diabetes, but eat it less and do not consume mutton.

7. Cinnamon, garlic and fenugreek reduce the glucose level in the blood.

8. Unsweetened buttermilk or salty lassi can be drunk.

9. Green tea increases the ability of the body to absorb glucose.

10. Eat low fat milk, cheese and curd. Use sunflower, mustard and soybean oil for cooking.

What Not to Eat in Sugar

1. Sugar patient should avoid eating sweets. There are some people who do not like to eat sweets, yet they get sugar. Friends, eating sweets is not the main reason for diabetes, but when this disease occurs, then it is necessary to avoid eating sweets.

2. Do not eat banana, apple, mango, litchi and grapes in fruits. Apart from this, instead of drinking fruit juice, you should eat fruits.

3. A diet containing more carbohydrates and fats is more likely to increase sugar, so eat less such foods in the diet which have high amount of carbohydrates and fat such as rice.

4. Avoid sugar, do not eat market fried and junk food. They increase the risk of getting diabetes even more. Avoid pastries, cakes and ice cream.

5. Do not eat noodles, naan and roti made from maida.

6. If you feel like eating dry fruits, then do not eat dry fruits, you should soak it in water before eating.

7. Stay away from cold drinks, sherbet, marmalade and sugary drinks.

8. Drink buttermilk without cream and sugar.

9. Do not consume coconut oil and ghee in the diet.

10. Do not eat 10 potatoes, arbi and sweet potato or eat less.


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