Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Gurugram

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Gurugram

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Gurugram

As soon you see the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases surfacing, it should be brought under medical attention immediately. It should be borne in mind that treatment of such diseases may not necessarily result in its cure completely. Though the focus should always be on getting cured, but for that you have to pass through the steps of treatment first.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Delhi | STD Panel Test

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Gurugram

You should have a brief idea about the symptoms involved with sexually transmitted diseases (STD) so as to identify them and bring about relief.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test

Some of the common symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in both men and women are appearances of rashes or warts, redness in the genital areas and burning sensation along with itching during urination.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Gurugram

Apart from these, there maybe some exclusive symptoms found in both the genders like vaginal discharge, fishy odor in women and tenderness in the penis of men and pain in epididymis.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Delhi

Before you get to arrive the stage of treatment if you can prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) ot treatment by Sexually Transmitted Disease Specialists doctor avoiding involvement in sexual activities with multiple partners, and nothing can be like it. Always use condoms and avoid having sex with a person whose previous sexual activities are not known.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Delhi | STD Panel Test
STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)Type of TestTime Required for Accurate Results
SyphilisBloodThree to six weeks after possible exposure
HIV 1BloodNine to 11 days after possible exposure
HIV 2BloodNine to 11 days after possible exposure
Hepatitis ABloodTwo to seven weeks after possible exposure
Hepatitis BBloodThree to six weeks after possible exposure
Hepatitis CBloodEight to nine weeks after possible exposure
Herpes, type 1BloodFour to six weeks after possible exposure
Herpes, type 2BloodFour to six weeks after possible exposure
ChlamydiaUrineOne to five days after possible exposure
GonorrheaUrineTwo to six days after exposure

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Test in Delhi | STD Panel Test


Treatment Available For

Diabetes Management

Piles Treatment

PEP Treatment

Pain Management

Sexual Problems

PCOD Treatment

Hair/Skin Problems

Infectious Diseases

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