Panchkarma Therapy For Diabetes in Delhi : +91-8010931122

Panchkarma Therapy For Diabetes in Delhi : +91-8010931122

How Panchakarma helps in treating diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder because of which the body cannot make use of the glucose it produces. This is because of the reduced secretion of insulin by the pancreas. This results in hyperglycemia i.e. high blood sugar and also glycosuria i.e. sugar in the urine. Normally, the sugar that we take is broken down into simple sugar which is otherwise called glucose. This glucose circulates in our blood and gets into the cells with the help of insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. Because of our sedentary lifestyle and genetic predisposition, the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. This gets stagnated and results in diabetes.

In Ayurveda, this disease is the cause of passing a large quantity of turbid urine frequently. This is known as prameha in Ayurveda. It says it is produced by the tridoshas i.e. vata, pitta, and kapha. However, kapha is the main cause of this disease. When fat (medha), urine (mutra), and kapha build up in one’s body it leads to the reduced Agni. Hence, the glucose is not digested properly and this results in high blood sugar.  In this disease, agnyashaya otherwise known as the pancreas is affected.

It is believed that Panchakarma therapy in Ayurveda can cure this disease. Normally, Ayurveda attempts to identify the symptoms appropriately. It also prevents this disease from progressing further. The Panchkarma Therapy For Diabetes in Delhi includes herbal medicines, modifications in the diet, changes in the lifestyle to a healthy one, and the exercises including yoga and pranayama.  Some of the herbal medicines used by Ayurveda are madhunashini, bilva, haridra, jambhulbeej, shilajit, kutaj, shuddha guggul, tulshi, and aamlaki. These medicines help in keeping the blood sugar under control. Thus, diabetes will not worsen further.

Book online doctor’s appointment – +91-8010931122

Panchakarma Therapy

Panchkarma Therapy For Diabetes in Delhi involves purification, and the detoxification treatment carried out by Ayurveda for the cure of diabetes. The procedures used are abhyanga swedan, basti, and vierchena.

  • Abhyanga swedan

This treatment provides diabetes patients with relaxing effects. In this treatment, massage will be done for the patients by using pre-medicated herbal oils. This also helps in the reduction of stress as well as muscles at the same time. Thus, patients get a sense of well-being. Next comes the swedan. In this, an herbal steam bath is provided which opens up the pores for flushing out the toxins. It cleanses the body by excreting sweat by the skin.

  • Basti

In this, the whole body is cleansed through the rectum by making the patients take certain medicinal oils through the anal. This will be done under the supervision of the expert.

  • Vierchena

It is a specially medicated purification therapy. This helps in the removal of toxins from the body of those who are affected. All the accumulated toxins in the gallbladder and the liver are cleansed.

Thus, Panchakarma Therapy For Diabetes in Delhi is highly useful in the proper maintenance of sugar level in the blood. It also prevents any further complications that might arise due to the disease.

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