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Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetes is known as diabetes in Ayurveda. It is one of the fastest-growing diseases in the world. The disease of diabetes arises when the amount of glucose in the blood increases excessively. The first case of diabetes was reported around 1000 BC. Then in Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, diabetes is defined as a disease in which the patient has frequent urination. In this, the urine of the affected person was found to be astringent and sweet.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Gurugram
Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

According to Ayurveda, diabetes mellitus can occur due to various reasons. This is basically due to disturbances in the body’s metabolic system. Metabolism is a process by which the body converts food into energy. Due to disturbances in the metabolic system, a hormone called insulin in the body either stops working effectively or there is a lack of it.

The major factors that increase the risk of diabetes include diet, lifestyle, environment, and all factors that increase and balance Kapha dosha. Hereditary and genetic factors are also counted among the most common causes of diabetes. For the treatment of diabetes, Ayurvedic doctors recommend avoiding the causes of diabetes, making appropriate lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, yoga, a balanced diet, and taking appropriate medicines.

Diabetes from the Perspective of Ayurveda –

According to Ayurveda, the nature (structure or constitution) of a person is decided based on morphological, mental, and physical characteristics. The nature of any person is fixed in the embryonic stage itself and it persists throughout life. Every person has a dosha like Vata, Pitta, or Kapha predominant, and based on this predominance his nature is decided.

In the case of diabetes, the metabolic system (at the level of the intestine and tissues) of the affected person goes down. An increase in the level of Kapha dosha and media leads to the disease of diabetes. This disease is mainly seen in people with Kapha’s predominant nature as compared to people with Vata and Pitta’s predominant nature.

Diabetes can be divided into data prameha, pitta prameha, and Kapha prameha depending on the dosha that causes diabetes. Kapha Prameha is curable i.e. it can be treated, Pitta Prameha can be controlled but Vata Prameha is incurable. People with diabetes-promoting nature can avoid this disease with the help of proper lifestyle changes and a balanced diet.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes


  • In this method, massage is done with a special medicated powder in which a mixture of herbs is used to balance all the doshas of the affected person.
  • The powder is heated before treatment. After that, the affected part is deeply massaged from bottom to top.
  • This process lasts from 45 to 60 minutes. After this, the patient can take bath after taking a rest for half an hour.
  • It treats diabetes by reducing Kapha dosha and excess fat stored in the body.

Grain Acid Stream

  • In this, the hot medicated liquid is poured over the affected area or the whole body. There are two types of Dhara therapy- parishes (pouring medicated liquid or oil on a particular part of the body) and avagahana (sitting in a tub filled with medicinal decoction).
  • A lukewarm medicinal liquid is prepared from dhanya (cereal) and acid (vinegar) in dhanya acid. It is used to balance Kapha and Vata dosha.

Sarvaga Abhyanga and Swedana

  • Savage Abhyanga is a process of applying oil all over the body and massaging it. It stimulates the body’s lymphatic system, which supplies nutrition to the cells and removes toxins from the body.
  • Oil massage is followed by Sweden (sweat lane method) to effectively eliminate ama (toxins) from the body.
  • Swedana opens all the Nadis of the body and the toxic substances come out of the blood and enter the gastrointestinal tract. From here the toxins are easily removed from the body.
  • There are four types of Swedana – Tapa (sikai), in which a warm cloth is placed on the affected part of the body. Upanaha, in which a paste prepared from a mixture of medicinal herbs is applied to the body. Heat, in which herbs useful in the prevention of related doshas are boiled and given hot steam. stream, in which hot liquid or oil is poured over the body.

Vamana Karma

  • It is one of the Panchakarma therapy which cleanses the stomach and expels ama and mucus through the Nadis and vomits from the chest. In this, the patient is given salt water, Kuta (kurchi) or licorice, and Vacha. After this, herbs like pippali, rock salt, Amalaki (amla), neem, and madanphal are used to enhance the effect of Vamana therapy.
  • Vamana karma is not for children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Apart from this, this therapy should not be done on a person suffering from high blood pressure, vomiting, heart, stomach-related diseases, cataract, enlarged spleen, constipation problems, and weakness.
  • It is mainly used for the treatment of Kapha-related diseases.
  • Washing hands, mouth, and feet thoroughly after Vamana karma and inhaling the fumes of the herbs. After this, it is advised to get enough sleep or rest. After getting up from sleep, wash your hands, face, and feet again.

Vrechana Karma

  • Virechana karma is also prominent in Panchakarma and its best effect is seen.
  • Toxins are removed from the body by giving various laxatives such as senna, rhubarb, or aloe vera.
  • Virechana karma is also used for stomach tumors, piles, ulcers, rheumatism, etc. apart from diabetes.
  • This therapy should not be taken if you have recently recovered from a fever, weak digestion, ulcers in the rectum, and diarrhea. Apart from this, virechana karma is also not advised to children, pregnant women, and old and weak people.
  • After the virechana karma, rice and lentil soup are given.

Do’s and Don’ts in Diabetes as per Ayurveda

What to do

  • Include barley, some varieties of rice (such as Samak and Kodrav), and wheat in your diet.
  • Eat pulses like green gram, kulthi, tur dal, linseed, and chickpea.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables like parwal, bitter gourd, Amalaki, Haridra, bael, and black pepper.
  • Honey and rock salt can also prove to help control diabetes mellitus.
  • Include physical activity like walking, play, and regular exercise in your daily routine.

What not to do

  • Do not eat black gram, new rice, and cereals.
  • Avoid eating milk, curd, buttermilk, oil, jaggery, alcohol, sugarcane products, ghee, and betel nut. Don’t eat unnecessarily snacks or anything else.
  • Do not consume milk or milk products with inappropriate foods such as fish.
  • Avoid sleeping during the day.
  • Stay away from smoking.

Other Tips Related to Ayurvedic Treatment of Diabetes 

Ayurveda focuses on controlling all the factors that cause diabetes and preventing its complications.

Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes involves the use of herbs along with simple and effective changes in routine, which can eliminate the symptoms of diabetes.


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