What is Panchakarma, Treatment, Procedure, Advantages, Disadvantages, Precautions, Where to Get the Panchakarma Therapy Treatment
What is Panchakarma, Treatment, Procedure, Advantages, Disadvantages, Precautions || Panchakarma has a special place in the Ayurvedic system of medicine and it is a unique system of medicine. Panchakarma is not only a preventive medicine, but it is also suitable for health protection.
Ayurvedic medicine is divided into two categories – Shodhan and Shaman.
To provide equilibrium to the increased doshas in the body is a shaman. Doshas are removed from the body by purification, so the possibility of recurrence of the disease is destroyed.
The concept of Panchakarma therapy is done in Shodhana therapy and Shamana therapy (medicine therapy) done after Shodhana therapy proves to be of quick fruit.
Procedures before Panchakarma therapy:
Before starting Panchakarma therapy, the patient is prepared for it. It is very necessary to do this because it shows whether the patient is fit to tolerate Panchakarma or not.
Oliation Therapy (Sneh Karma) –
Pure ghee or medicated ghee is given to the patient for 7 days. It pacifies the doshas and balances the digestion process. It is effective in gastric, ulcer, and intestinal ulcers.
Medicated ghee is used in certain diseases. Tikta Ghrita is used in skin diseases, Dadimadi Ghrita in anemia, Shatavari Ghrita is used in chronic colitis.
After obligation therapy, the lymph, blood, muscle tissue, adipose tissue and the defects present in the bone marrow are liquefied and returned to the gastro-intestinal (stomach) duct with sudsson therapy. Sudasan therapy helps to liquefy the doshas. It works by causing sweating in the body by steam.
Abhyanga (oil massage) –
In Abhyanga, a light massage is done by applying oil to the body. It is a daily therapy for both healthy and sick people. Sesame oil is used for massage. It is one of the best Panchakarma treatments.
There are many benefits of this oil massage –
It makes the skin smooth, removes fatigue and pain, and provides good eyesight, a healthy body, good sleep, and clean skin, which sends the defects to the alimentary canal.
If the dosha is Kapha, then vomiting medicine is given, in the case of Pitta, Virechana (Dastavar) is given and if Vata is aggravated then Vasti (Enema) is given. When pitta dosha is aggravated it is treated by virechanas. It expels doshas from the gastrointestinal tract and reduces digestion.
Procedures involved in Panchakarma therapy:
In this purification therapy, five actions are performed, whose names are as follows –
- Vamana
- Virechana
- Basti
- Nasya
- Raktamokshan (Raktamokshan)
Panchakarma therapy is said to be essential before doing experiments like Rasayana or vajikaran, because just as the colors applied on dirty clothes do not give proper results, in the same way, till the body is not pure, chemistry medicines do not help.
Diseases such as AIDS or cancer, which are considered to be the dreadful and mortal diseases of today’s century, can also be cured in the primary stage by well-planned Panchakarma treatment and taking proper medicines.
By purifying the body in a healthy state, all the parts of the body perform their respective functions regularly. The health of the body is maintained, as by servicing the instruments (car, vehicle) on regular time, they increase the working capacity of those instruments, they work well for a long time, similarly, Panchakarma therapy is used not only in the disease condition but also for the healthy person. It is necessary to take care of health. By stimulating all the organs and cells of the body with this purification therapy, physical strength, and disease-fighting power increase.
Let us understand each step of Panchakarma Treatment therapy in detail –
1. First Step – Vamana Karma:
Getting ‘vomited’ is done by a specific process, is called Vamana, and the vomiting caused by diseases is called ‘churdi’. Vamana is the best medicine for Kapha dosha predominant diseases. This therapy is given in many diseases. Vomiting not only removes the phlegm and stools of the stomach but the endotoxins or Kapha dosha of every muscle of the body is brought out in the stomach by the process of vomit.
With this therapy, all the channels & cells of the body are purified, and by stimulating them, the fire is illuminated. This increases the ability of all the organs to do natural work. In this way, the resistance power is built, so this therapy is useful even for a healthy person.
Who can be vomited –
This therapy should be given to a healthy person in the spring. Vamana can be done at any time in a diseased state. The names of these diseases are as follows –
1) Breath 2) Kaas 3) Pratishyaya (4) Apasmara 5) Visarpa 6) Leprosy 7) Medoroga 8) Vishpeed 9) Amlapitta 10) Annavasul 11) Agnimandya 12) All Kaphaj diseases 13) All types of skin diseases and 14) Yuvan pitika
In which diseases vomiting is prohibited –
It should not be used in old age, childhood, heart disease, tuberculosis of the lungs, bleeding on the neck, obesity, weakness, and pregnancy.
2. Second Step – Virechana Karma:
The removal of body defects, feces, or purishas, through the process of excretion, is called virechana. Virechana is the best medicine to cure Pitta-dominant diseases.
Virechana removes not only the stool of the intestines but the stool of every muscle. Through this therapy, all the sources of the body are purified and fire is ignited by stimulating them. This increases the ability of all the organs to do natural work. In this way, the resistance power is built. This therapy is extremely useful to keep away the diseases of Pittaja.
Virechana therapy can be done anytime according to disease and need. To preserve health, virechana karma should be done in a healthy person in autumn (August to October). By doing virechana karma once in a month, health is preserved and many pitta and Vata dosha predominant diseases can be kept away.
Who should be given virechana therapy?
Virechana karma is suitable for the following ailments.
1) Amlapitta 2) Malabadatha 3) Anah 4) Arsha 5) Bhagandar 6) All Vata diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis, Amava, Paralysis, Gridhrasi 7) Liver disorders 8) Spleen disorders 9) Skin disorders like Kandu (itching), Vicharika ( Psoriasis), Erysipelas, Palma (Eczema) 10) Leprosy 11) Ascites 12) Worm 13) Gulma 14) Mania (mania) 15) Apasmara (epilepsy), etc.
Who is prohibited from doing virechana?
Children, the elderly, high fever, bleeding from the anus, uterus, or urethra, TB of the lungs, ulcerative colitis, prolapse of the anus, diarrhea, and people affected by the low digestive fire should not be treated with the laxative method.
3. Third Stage – Basti Karma:
The use of different types of medicines, Siddha oil, Ghrita, Kwath through Gud Marg is called Basti. Basti therapy is the best medicine for all diseases. It is a unique medicine, especially for Vata-predominant diseases.
The scope of enema and Basti therapy are completely different. The work of the settlement is universal. Basti can destroy diseases caused by all the defects (Vata, Pitta, Kapha, blood, and doshas contagion or snipat state). An enema only removes the stool from the intestines.
Basti therapy does not only expel the intestines but the endotoxins of each muscle (cell) are also brought into the intestines and removed from the anus. By this therapy, all the sources of the body (Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems) are purified. They are stimulated by doing this, due to which the fire is ignited. This increases the ability of all the organs to do natural work and builds immunity.
The function of settlement is shown in “Apad Masataka” i.e. diseases arising from head to toe. gives.
Basti therapy can be given to any person at any time for health protection and to increase immunity.
There are mainly two types of settlements – Shodhan and Anuvasan settlements.
Shodhana Basti – In this, the quantity of medicinal substances remains in large quantity and the body is purified from this settlement. There are many types of this settlement like – Yapan Basti, Madhutelik Basti, Writing Basti.
Anuvasan Basti – This settlement is full of affection and by staying in the body, it does brahman (metal confirmation). There are also some types of this settlement like – Matra Basti and Sneh Basti.
Apart from the anal route, Basti can also be given through the urinary tract. It is called “Uttarbasti”. Apart from this, many types of settlements are given according to Kshirbasti, Pichha Basti disease. Basti is given for eight days, fifteen days, and one month according to the disease.

Who should be given Basti therapy?
Basti therapy is given in all types of Vata diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Paralysis, Polio, Gidhrasi, Sciatica, Diabetes, Duodenal, Constipation, Gastroenteritis, Osteoporosis, All types of Anaemias, All types of Gynaecological disorders.
4. Fourth Step – Nasya Karma:
To put medicinal love in the nose in a specific way – this is called Nasya. Nasya is very suitable in all their disorders of neck and head. ‘Nasa hi shirodhara’ is said to mean that the nose is the door of the head, therefore the medicines that are entered through the nasal passages enter the subtle sources from all the senses (eyes, taste, hearing, smell, touch) out of the brain and nervous system. It stimulates them by expelling the feces and destroys not only the head but also the universal diseases.
Who should be given Nasya therapy?
Nasya therapy is very suitable in all mental diseases, similarly, shirsul (headache), ardita (facial paralysis), paralysis (paralysis), pinus (sinus), ardhavabheka (migraine), mania, dyspnoea, all fat disorders, Kasa (cough) Nasya karma is very useful in diseases like breathing, Rajayakshma (TB), mouth disease and unconsciousness.
5. Fifth Step – Rakta Moksha:
The removal of impure blood from the body in the form of medicine is called Raktamokshan. By withdrawing a small amount of blood, the blood gets to conduct the formation of new raktadhatu in those sources. Purification of pitta dosha with contaminated blood leads to quenching of pittaja and blood prodoshaja diseases.
After this, the new blood metal, due to which the body’s nutrition, strengthening work starts happening at a higher speed. Digestive power and complexion improve. The person who gets Raktamokshan at the right time never gets skin diseases, glands, blood diseases.
In Kaya therapy, the settlement undertaking is said to be the half-part of medicine, in the same way, blood liberation is used in surgery.
In practicable conditions, Sirovyadhi and Jalokaavacharan – these two types of blood are used.
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Who should be given Rakta Mokshana Therapy?
Rakta mokshana method is used in the treatment of the following diseases –
1) All types of Skin disease 2) Leprosy 3) Erysipelas 4) Kandu (Itching) 5) Vaivarnya (Colour blindness) 6) White leprosy 7) Vidradhi (abscess) 8) Mashak 9) Gulm 10) Spleenopathy 11) Arsh ( Piles) 12) Headache (headache) 13) Tumor (lump) 14) Vaarakta.
Benefits of Panchakarma therapy
Following are the benefits of Panchakarma therapy –
- flushes out toxic (poisonous) substances from your body and blood.
- Panchakarma therapy improves your health by making the body healthy.
- Panchakarma therapy strengthens your immunity power.
- help prevents early signs of aging.
- Panchakarma therapy brings relaxation to your body.
- Panchakarma therapy purifies your entire body.
- makes your digestive system strong and strong.
Disadvantages and Precautions of Panchakarma:
Some precautions must be taken during panchakarma therapy like –
- During Panchakarma therapy, use only hot water for bathing and other work and drink hot water.
- During Panchakarma therapy, eat a well-digested diet, do not eat late-digesting foods.
- Avoid mental stress during Panchakarma therapy.
- Do not have sex during Panchakarma therapy.
- Do not do shayana (sleep) during the day during Panchakarma therapy.
- Sudden temperature changes should be avoided during Panchakarma therapy.
- It is not advisable to stay awake till late in the night during Panchakarma therapy.
The following persons should not use Panchakarma therapy –
- During Menstrual Cycle.
- Women who feed the infant.
- a very weak person.
- Pregnant Ladies.
- a person suffering from an infectious disease.
- Lung Cancer Patients.
- A man or woman with AIDS (HIV).
- Man or woman suffering from extreme obesity.
- High BP patients.
- Heart patients.
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