PrEP treatment for HIV in Safdarjung Enclave|| 8010977000||

PrEP treatment for HIV in Safdarjung Enclave|| 8010977000||

PrEP treatment for HIV in Safdarjung Enclave:-Are you looking PrEP treatment for hiv in Safdarjung Enclave? Then visit Best Clinic for PrEP treatment .This clinic is providing ayurvedic treatment for PrEP,ayurvedic PrEP treatment.If You Want to get PrEP treatment,then you need to consult hiv doctor,best PrEP specialist doctor, doctor for PrEP treatment,PrEP doctor,best PrEP specialist,PrEP doctor near me,best PrEP doctor, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) treatment for Hiv doctor,PrEP treatment by hiv specialist doctor,best PrEP specialist doctor in Safdarjung Enclave,Delhi.You can also book your appointment online for more info call@ +91-8010977000 and +91-9999219128.


PrEP treatment for HIV in Safdarjung Enclave, Delhi

What is PrEP?

PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). It’s a daily pill that can help prevent HIV. If you don’t have HIV, taking PrEP every day can lower your chances of getting HIV from sex by more than 90%. PrEP is also known by the brand name Truvada.

Who can use PrEP?

  • PrEP isn’t right for everybody. PrEP is for people who don’t have HIV, and are at higher risk for getting HIV. You may want to talk with a doctor or nurse about PrEP if you:
  • Don’t regularly use condoms.
  • Have a sexual partner who has HIV (sometimes called serodiscordant, serodifferent, magnetic, or mixed status couples).
  • Have a sexual partner who is at high risk for getting HIV (like if they have anal or vaginal sex with other people without condoms, or they’re an injection drug user).
  • Do sex work that includes vaginal or anal sex.

Have injected drugs, shared needles, or been in treatment for drug use in the past 6 months.

  • If you’re at high risk for HIV and you’re pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding, PrEP may also help you and your baby avoid getting HIV.

Your HIV specialist doctor or nurse will talk with you about your situation to figure out if PrEP is right for you. It’s important to be honest so you can get the best health care for you — best hiv PrEP specialist doctor and nurses are there to help, not judge. The more accurate information they have, the better they can help you.

How effective is PrEP?

If you use it correctly, PrEP can lower your chances of getting HIV from sex by more than 90%. And using condoms and PrEP together helps you stay even safer. PrEP can also lowers your chances of getting HIV from sharing needles by more than 70%.

It’s really important to take PrEP every day. PrEP doesn’t work as well if you skip pills. If you don’t take it every day, there might not be enough medicine in your body to block HIV.

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