Menstrual disorders Treatment in Budh Vihar

Menstrual disorders Treatment in Budh Vihar

Menstrual disorders Treatment in Budh Vihar – 8010977000

Periods can sometimes be a real pain. Headache, stomachache and general fatigue can be possibly acquired when having your period. These periodic menstrual bleeding can cause major discomforts; and things can only get worse once it becomes an irregular cycle. Having an irregular period is one of the most common menstrual complaints heard from women all over the world. Women generally have 11 to 13 menstrual periods in a year. You may have observed a different pattern with the occurrence of more or fewer menstrual cycles; and it is possible that what you are experiencing is an irregular menstrual cycle. If you want to overcome repetitive episodes of irregular period, this article will be quite useful.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of An Irregular Period?

The most common stages for women to experience an irregular menstrual cycle is at the onset of puberty, during the teenage years, and at the initial phases of menopause. At these times, your body is adjusting to the changes in hormones that control your menstruation. The irregular period is simply considered the result of the body’s transition reaction to the new hormone fluctuation.

Stress is another common cause of having an irregular period. When there is stress, whether physical, mental or emotional, the body’s response would be to produce a hormone called cortisol. This hormone, in turn, may affect estrogen, progesterone , all of which play a role in preventing irregular menstrual cycle.

Other common causes of irregular period episodes are excessive exercise, eating disorders and illness. Though most causes are not harmful, eating disorders and illness are alarming causes of irregular menstrual cycle that require immediate medical attention. Two health issues associated with irregular period occurrences are poly cystic ovarian syndrome and uterine abnormalities, such as endometriosis. Poly cystic ovarian disorder is also a leading cause of infertility. Endometriosis can affect fertility; it can also cause very painful periods. You should track your cycles and let your doctor know when large variances of irregular menstrual cycle occur so you can be certain that an illness is not the main cause.

What Can You Do About An Irregular Period Or Irregular Menstruation Cycle?

Depending on the cause of your irregular period, there may or may not be much you can do about this. Irregular menstrual cycle can be normal to newly menstruating girls because their menstrual cycles still fluctuate. Over the first two years, periods tend to adjust and gradually become more regular each succeeding month. Also, menstrual cycles are expected to become abnormal again during the pre-menopausal stage, which may occur as early as the late thirties, until menopause.

Hormonal influences

Life cycle changes that influence the hormonal balance include puberty, menopause, pregnancy, and childbirth, and breastfeeding.

Before menopause, women often have irregular periods, and the amount of blood shed may vary. Menopause occurs when 12 months have passed since the woman’s last menstrual period. After the menopause, a woman will no longer have periods.

During pregnancy, menstruation ceases, and most women do not have periods while they are breast-feeding.


Irregular periods can sometimes indicate a health problem, and some of these can lead to further problems, such as fertility issues.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which a number of small, fluid-filled sacs known as cysts develop in the ovaries.
A woman with PCOS does not ovulate, and she does not release an egg every month. Symptoms include irregular or no periods, obesity, acne, and excess hair growth.

Women with PCOS have unusually high levels of the male sex hormone, androgen, or testosterone.

Endometriosis is a condition in which cells that are normally found inside the uterus, called endometrial cells, grow outside it. In other words, the lining of the inside of the uterus is found outside of it.

Endometrial cells are the cells that shed every month during menstruation, so endometriosis is most likely to affect women during their childbearing years.

The cellular growth involved in endometriosis is not cancerous. There may be no symptoms, but it can be painful, and it can lead to other problems. If released blood gets stuck in surrounding tissue, it can damage the tissue, causing severe pain, irregular periods, and infertility.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive system. Among women, it is the most common and serious complication of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), apart from AIDS.

If detected early it can be treated with antibiotics, but if it spreads, it can damage the fallopian tubes and the uterus, resulting in chronic, or long-term, pain. There are many symptoms, and they including bleeding between periods and after sex.

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