Are you looking for Virechana therapy in Jangpura,Delhi .Then Consult Dr. Monga for Virechana Ayurveda Therapy and visit Best panchakarma Clinic .This clinic is providing best panchakarma treatment .You can book appointment with Dr Monga for panchakarma therapies treatment inJangpura,Delhi only to made a call here +91-7042424269 OR +91–9999219128.
Virechana therapy in jangpura,Delhi

Virechana Ayurveda Therapy in Jangpura,Delhi
What is Virechana
It is one of the Panchakarma procedure wherein body toxins are flushed through controlled purgation. The naval region is the seat of Pitta and Virechana is the best treatment to overcome the accumulation of excessive pitta otherwise it leads to diseases such as abscess, liver disorder, diabetes, gastritis, skin disorders, etc. Palliative drugs or Shamana medicines are given orally if the aggravation of Dosha are minimal and if Doshas are highly aggravated, then shodhana (Detoxification) is required.
Ayurvedic Virechana Therapy in Jangpura,Delhi
The benefits OF Therapy:
- Therapy improves digestion.
- it improves metabolism and fat digestion.
- Relieves many gastrointestinal disorders.
- Improves the condition of skin disorders, rashes & allergies.
- helps manage Paraplegia, Hemiplegia Joint disorders etc.
Panchakarma specialist doctor in Jangpura,Delhi
- Achieve a better circulatory system
- Management of weight
- Activate the lymphatic system
- Nourish the skin
- Strengthen the muscles
- Improve digestive system