Piles fistula fissure treatment in Okhla


Piles fistula fissure treatment in Okhla

If you are looking for Piles fistula fissure treatment in Okhla or Piles fistula fissure doctor in Okhla you on right place we are providing best Piles treatment in your area, Are you tried in Piles,fistula fissure issues affecting in you lifestyle? Do you wish you could handle these issues once and for all and simply move on with your life? Are you frustrated with having tried everything and getting no good result? Perhaps you that any solution you find will be expensive, painful or take care too much in recovery time. Fear not and get ready for a massive does of relief because you have found Dr. Monga Clinic, in collaboration with a registered Piles treatment center, is a consultation center, providing operative facilities in Piles fissure, fistula and Hemorrhoids. So, visit Dr. Monga Clinic quickly or call for more info- +91-8010931122, +91-9999219128.

Piles: – This is one of the Painful & uncomfortable problem, It affects large no of peoples around the world, this disease make people less interest in any kind of activity. You should take necessary treatment for Plies As soon as Possible, Dr. Monga Clinic the one of best famous Piles clinic in Delhi NCR region, Dr. Monga Piles Clinic has more than 70 years experience, We can provide treatment for Piles, Fistula, Fissure, Hemorrhoids (Piles). We are ready to give you 100% assurity that we will treat your disease perfectly; we have three clinics in Delhi, Lajpat Nagar, and Rajouri Garden & Gurugram.

Book Appointments Piles fistula fissure treatment in Okhla.

An abnormal connection of one part of the body to another is called a fistula. When such linkage occurs in the anus it is called an anal fistula. This is a connection between the interior anal canal and the skin towards the outside of the anus. There are many kinds of anal fistula and they may occur for a variety of reasons like infection, abscess, pus or other diseases. It is commonly seen in patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases.

Common symptoms of an anal fistula would be pain, tenderness, swelling, and irritation in the anal regions. Itching may also be experienced. The infection may also cause slight fever, tiredness, chills, and weakness. One may not feel like eating heavy or spicy foods and might feel uncomfortable.

The procedure is simple. The surgeon will create an incision on the fistula tubes. He will then merge it with the region of the rectum where it is connected. The zone is hence sealed and further abnormal communication between the regions is stopped. Undue passed of blood or other body fluids is restricted. Consequently, the region will heal.

The procedure is generally carried out under local anesthesia, when the abnormality linkage is not very large. However, when a large anal fistula has formed, it may become inevitable to carry out a more elaborate surgical procedure.

Hence, despite pain and anxiety, one may be reassured that the condition is curable and one can easily restore a healthy life.

Why Choose Dr.Monga Piles Clinic for Piles Treatment:-

  1. We have Respected Reputation
  2. Outstanding & disciplinary staff
  3. Innovative Treatment Approaches
  4. Transparently Honest Practice
  5. Dedicated To Patients’ Health

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