Online HIV helpline number in Tamil Nadu | HIV helpline number

Online HIV helpline number in Tamil Nadu

At the point of being recently diagnosed with HIV you find the world takes on an unreal angle. Nothing feels the same any more. It is highly important at this stage and at any stage when your condition takes a new turn to ask the professionals for Online HIV helpline number. Your medical team will take care of treating your condition with the necessary drugs and offer treatment and even counselling. However in order to truly help yourself gain positive insight and help you with your fears and understanding there is nothing like true HIV support from those who completely understand what it is you are going through.

Call our online HIV helpline number for information. Lines are open to all days 24*7 hours. Call our helpline +91-8010977000, +91-9999219128 or you can visit our website for getting more information-

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We can talk about HIV treatment and adherence, health and wellbeing; we can refer you to other services including sexual health, contraception and peer support.

Who can use this service
We give advice and support to anyone who calls our helpline.

Why people use this service
I’ve been diagnosed with HIV
I have a question about my treatment
I don’t have anyone to talk to about HIV
How we can help
Confidential support
Advice on any difficulties you have
Talk about your options
Find out about local services

Counselling allows you to explore your emotions and delve deep into your inner feelings. It will help you come to terms with what has happened in your life and how it affects both you and those around you. They are never judgemental and progression takes place at your pace, as you dictate the speed and the topic of conversations. It is a fantastic way to explore your deepest thoughts and you will learn a lot about yourself in the process. One thing counselling cannot do and that is offering you solutions or advice. Neither like the medical team of GP, doctor, nurse etc do they truly understand what you are going through. This is one of the reasons why counselling is sometimes not enough for those with HIV.

People who have conditions, disabilities or disfigurements feel different from normal people for obvious reasons. Also they often feel misunderstood. How can anyone without their problem know what it is like to live as they do on a daily basis? No one actually knows what it is like to be someone else. For even if we share conditions, disabilities or anything else, outside influences make our lives different. We are different from each other; we are unique in make up. Therefore outside factors come into our lives and alter things and we react differently to them, making each and every person even with similar conditions experience theirs in a completely different way to everyone else.

Subsequently no matter how many people treat you for varying aspects of your HIV not one of them will completely understand how it is impacting upon your life. At this point it is also important to remember that these people have been trained. They offer the treatment and the procedures because of what they have learned in the past, they do not actually have the condition themselves and will never be one hundred percent sure of the intricacies involved for you. They can guess and even emphasise but they will never really know.

People who also have HIV have a better understanding of what you are going through. Of course circumstances will not be exactly the same for them as their life structure will be different; however it is possible to get some great advice and support from those who live daily with your condition.

There are many different ways to obtain HIV support. For those who prefer to talk face to face, then there are numerous meetings and groups all around the country. Here people sit and discuss various aspects of their condition. Others listening can learn a lot from listening to what others are going through. Then other people get a chance to help out by giving their viewpoints etc. For those who would rather get support in a less obvious way, there are many internet support groups. Also many HIV dating sites offer support as well as romance and friendship, making this sort of site especially good value for money!

There are many people with HIV, you are not alone or even all that different. It is vitally important that you start to mix with people who will show you that HIV does not have to be the end of everything. Go out and mix with people and get the type of HIV support that is right for you.

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