Book Appointment- Liver Specialist Near You

Looking for a liver specialist near you? liver specialist in Delhi, a Liver specialist in Ghaziabad, a Liver specialist in Gurgaon.

Look no further than our directory of liver specialists. With our directory, you can find a liver specialist in your area. Call our directory today and get started finding the liver specialist you need!

A liver specialist at Dr. Monga Clinic specializes in treating patients with liver diseases, and he has many years of experience in the field.

The liver is located on the upper right side of our abdomen and is the largest gland in the human body. It performs more than 500 functions in the body, some of which are:


      • Production of bile and digestion of food

      • The liver stores carbohydrates in the form of glycogen and immediately releases them in the form of glucose whenever it is needed.

      • Protein is made useful for the body when it is worked on.

      • It is producing thyroid hormones and estrogen hormones.

      • Detoxification of alcohol and various antibiotics.

      • Help in the formation of the cellular components of the blood.

    How do you know your liver is damaged?

    The weight of the liver is two percent of the total body weight. Generally, until 50-70 percent of the liver is damaged, the symptoms of liver diseases do not start appearing.

    Some of the major liver diseases include fatty liver, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, hepatitis, viral liver infection, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and some genetic diseases.

    The different symptoms of Liver disease are as follows:


        • Pain in the upper right abdomen

        • Pain in the upper right abdomen

        • Nausea and vomiting

        • Yellowing of the skin, eyes, and urine

        • Vomiting blood

        • Black feces

        • Blood thinning and unexplained bleeding in the skin

        • Confusion of mind

        • General tiredness and weakness

        • Abdominal water and swollen legs

      If one of the above symptoms is seen, then it should be understood that some diseases related to the liver have started. Such patients should immediately consult a liver specialist, otherwise fatal problems may arise.

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