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Best Piles Treatment Centre in Chanakyapuri

Best Piles Treatment Centre in Chanakyapuri


It is one of the Best Piles Clinic in Delhi Region and nearby region. It is situated in Lajpat Nagar.

DR MONGA PILES CLINIC was started with a dream of providing the best facilities for Piles, Fissures, Fistula and all Anorectal problems. We have the credit of starting the best Treatment for the first time in region.

Dr. Monga Piles Clinic is different in providing modern and Ayurvedic treatment side by side, for Anorectal diseases. We have Ancient Ayurvedic treatment for Fistula in Ano.

  1. Piles
  2. Fistula
  3. Fissures

Piles is a disease in which there is varicosities in blood vessels of rectum. It is also known as Hemorrhoids. Anatomically there present three sets of blood vessels; these include

Best Piles Treatment Centre
  1. Left lateral hemorrhoidal vessels,
  2. Right inferior hemorrhoidal vessels
  3. Right superior hemorrhoidal vessels. These are the classical 3, 7 and 11’oclock positions of Hemorrhoids and also known as Primary Piles. In piles there occur stasis of blood inside the hemorrhoidal blood vessels. This leads to vericosities in these vessels and the condition becomes disease Piles.
The symptoms of Piles include;
  1. Bleeding
  2. Prolapse of some mass during defecation
  3. Pain (when associated with thrombosis or in Gd 3/ Gd 4 haemorrhoids).
  4. Mucous discharge- in prolapsed haemorrhoids
There are the following causative factors responsible for the disease piles;
  1. Irregular bowel habits
  2. Prolonged standing and/or sitting
  3. Constipation
  4. Straining during defecation
  5. Heredity factors
  6. Due to other associated diseases like colitis, diarrhoea etc.

Types of Piles/Hemorrhoids

Based on their location inside the anal canal, Hemorrhoids have been classified into following types;

1-INTERNAL:- These are within the anal canal and internal to the anal orifice. these are bright red or purple in colour, these are usually painless as anal canal membrane from where they originate is not sensitive to pain.

2-EXTERNAL:- Situated outside the anal orifice and covered by skin, two varieties may coexist and the condition is called intern external hemorrhoid’s.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids – Anal Hematoma/External piles: This is a painful condition. There occurs clotting (thrombosis) of blood within the external pile mass.

Dr. Jyoti Monga is one of the best Piles specialist doctor in Delhi with an exprience of 22+ years.

If you looking Best piles specialist doctor or counsellor, Call Me +91-8010977000

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Best Piles Treatment Centre in Delhi

Best Piles Treatment Centre in Delhi


It is one of the Best Piles Clinic in Delhi Region and nearby region. It is situated in Lajpat Nagar.

DR MONGA PILES CLINIC was started with a dream of providing the best facilities for Piles, Fissures, Fistula and all Anorectal problems. We have the credit of starting the best Treatment for the first time in region.

Dr. Monga Piles Clinic is different in providing modern and Ayurvedic treatment side by side, for Anorectal diseases. We have Ancient Ayurvedic treatment for Fistula in Ano.

  1. Piles
  2. Fistula
  3. Fissures

Piles is a disease in which there is varicosities in blood vessels of rectum. It is also known as Hemorrhoids. Anatomically there present three sets of blood vessels; these include

Best Piles Treatment Centre
  1. Left lateral hemorrhoidal vessels,
  2. Right inferior hemorrhoidal vessels
  3. Right superior hemorrhoidal vessels. These are the classical 3, 7 and 11’oclock positions of Hemorrhoids and also known as Primary Piles. In piles there occur stasis of blood inside the hemorrhoidal blood vessels. This leads to vericosities in these vessels and the condition becomes disease Piles.
The symptoms of Piles include;
  1. Bleeding
  2. Prolapse of some mass during defecation
  3. Pain (when associated with thrombosis or in Gd 3/ Gd 4 haemorrhoids).
  4. Mucous discharge- in prolapsed haemorrhoids
There are the following causative factors responsible for the disease piles;
  1. Irregular bowel habits
  2. Prolonged standing and/or sitting
  3. Constipation
  4. Straining during defecation
  5. Heredity factors
  6. Due to other associated diseases like colitis, diarrhoea etc.

Types of Piles/Hemorrhoids

Based on their location inside the anal canal, Hemorrhoids have been classified into following types;

1-INTERNAL:- These are within the anal canal and internal to the anal orifice. these are bright red or purple in colour, these are usually painless as anal canal membrane from where they originate is not sensitive to pain.

2-EXTERNAL:- Situated outside the anal orifice and covered by skin, two varieties may coexist and the condition is called intern external hemorrhoid’s.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids – Anal Hematoma/External piles: This is a painful condition. There occurs clotting (thrombosis) of blood within the external pile mass.

Dr. Jyoti Monga is one of the best Piles specialist doctor in Delhi with an exprience of 22+ years.

If you looking Best piles specialist doctor or counsellor, Call Me +91-8010977000

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दिल्ली में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट || दिल्ली में गुप्त रोग विसेग्य || आयुर्वेदिक सेक्स विशेषज्ञ

दिल्ली में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट | दिल्ली में गुप्त रोग विसेग्य | आयुर्वेदिक सेक्स विशेषज्ञ

दिल्ली में सर्वश्रेष्ठ आयुर्वेदिक सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट

यदि आप अपने व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक जीवन को खोने के कगार पर हैं तो खुद को एक मौका दें। दिल्ली में सर्वश्रेष्ठ आयुर्वेदिक सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट की टीम से परामर्श लें। यह जरूरी नहीं है कि आपकी यौन समस्या लाइलाज हो। मिलिए बेस्ट सेक्स स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टर की टीम से दिल्ली, भारत में 8010977000 पर कॉल करें

भारत में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट

भारत की सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट टीम इस बात का ध्यान रखेगी कि आपकी सेक्स लाइफ को कैसे वापस लाया जाए। बता दें कि दिल्ली के शीर्ष सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर (डॉ. युवराज अरोड़ा मोंगा) आपके लिए विशेष रूप से एक विशेष यौन उपचार तैयार करते हैं। डॉ मोंगा मेडी क्लिनिक में आपको बिना किसी मिलावट के 100 प्रतिशत वास्तविक आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं के परिणाम मिलते हैं।


स्तंभन दोष

क्या आपको इरेक्शन में समस्या हो रही है? इसे इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (ईडी) कहा जाता है। ईडी के कारणों और इलाज के बारे में और जानें।


बहुत जल्दी खत्म होना या स्खलन को नियंत्रित करने में असमर्थ? हाँ यह शीघ्रपतन है, बिस्तर में अधिक समय तक कैसे रहें, यह जानने के लिए नीचे पढ़ें!

यौन संचारित रोग

असुरक्षित यौन संबंध था? एसटीआई संक्रमण से भ्रमित? हमारे पास एक समाधान है। बेहतर ढंग से समझने के लिए एसटीआई और एसटीडी के बारे में और पढ़ें।

कम शुक्राणु गणना

एक बच्चा चाहते हैं और कई प्रयासों के बाद भी इसे पाने में असमर्थ हैं? यह पुरुष बांझपन या कम शुक्राणुओं की संख्या के कारण हो सकता है। सर्वोत्तम उपचार और आहार के साथ पुरुष बांझपन का इलाज करें।

फिमोसिस / टाइट फोरस्किन

चमड़ी को वापस लेने में असमर्थ या दर्दनाक वापसी का सामना करना पड़ रहा है तो हमारे पास एक समाधान है। हम आपके लिए एक्सरसाइज के साथ आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं से इलाज लेकर आए हैं।


क्या मुड़ी हुई चमड़ी वापस सामान्य नहीं हो रही है या यह पीछे फंस गई है और सूजन आ रही है? तब आपको पैराफिमोसिस हो सकता है लेकिन चिंता न करें हमारे पास इसका समाधान भी है।


कैंडिडिआसिस मीठी लालसा के रूप में दिखाई दे सकता है, आपकी जीभ पर बहुत अधिक सफेद कोटिंग या खराब चौड़ाई। चिंता न करें हम इसके लिए विशेषज्ञ परामर्श और दवा प्रदान करते हैं।


क्या आपके लिंग का ग्लान्स पढ़ा हुआ दिख रहा है? क्या लिंग के सिर में खुजली होती है या लिंग होने पर सिर पर जलन महसूस हो सकती है? तब आपको बैलेनाइटिस हो सकता है। दोहराए जाने वाले एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं के बिना बैलेनाइटिस का उपचार प्राप्त करें।

पेनिस यीस्ट इंफेक्शन

असुरक्षित यौन संबंध था? आपके जननांग क्षेत्रों में लाली, चकत्ते या सफेद चमकदार पैच का सामना करना पड़ रहा है? यह पेनाइल यीस्ट संक्रमण हो सकता है जिस पर तत्काल ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।

कम सेक्स इच्छा

सेक्स करने का मन नहीं करता? पार्टनर में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं है, भले ही वह तैयार हो? यह कम सेक्स की इच्छा के कारण हो सकता है। एलएसडी उपचार के बारे में यहाँ और जानें।

जननांग मौसा

गुप्तांगों पर/जननांगों के आसपास असामान्य वृद्धि? यह जननांग मौसा हो सकता है। वे अत्यधिक संक्रामक हैं और आपके साथी में भी फैल सकते हैं। नजरअंदाज न करें क्योंकि ये कैंसर भी हो सकते हैं। एचपीवी / जननांग मौसा के बारे में यहाँ और पढ़ें।

एचआईवी परामर्श

किसी के साथ सेक्स करने के बाद एचआईवी/एड्स से डरते हैं? तनावग्रस्त न हों। आपको केवल डॉ मोंगा मेडी क्लिनिक में एचआईवी परामर्श लेकर एचआईवी के बारे में अधिक जानने की आवश्यकता है। एचआईवी के बारे में यहां और पढ़ें और एचआईवी परामर्श के लिए अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करें।

दिल्ली में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट की टीम

मूल कारण का उपचार तभी संभव है जब व्यायाम और उचित आहार के साथ गुणवत्ता वाली दवाएं समर्थित हों। दवाओं + आहार + व्यायाम के सही संयोजन के साथ दिल्ली, भारत में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर की टीम को आपकी यौन समस्या से बाहर निकलने में मदद करें। अपनी अपॉइंटमेंट अभी बुक करें।

दिल्ली में सर्वश्रेष्ठ आयुर्वेदिक सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट
सर्वश्रेष्ठ आयुर्वेदिक सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट

संपर्क करें – +91-8010977000,9999219128

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Herpes Treatment in Gurgaon

Herpes Treatment in Gurgaon

Searching for Herpes Treatment in Gurgaon? | Herpes is an infection that comes from the herpes simplex virus. Although there is currently no cure, there are some treatments, including home remedies, that may help relieve the symptoms.

Symptoms of Herpes

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. If you experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Itching.
  • Painful urination.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headaches. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital and oral herpes infections. There is currently no cure for herpes, and the infection will remain in a person’s system for life.

However, some medications can lower the frequency and severity of symptoms. Some home remedies may work, including compresses, vitamins, and certain oils. Making dietary changes can also help.

Herpes Treatment in Gurgaon

Primary stage

This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. They may not even know they’re infected.

Dr. Monga Sexual Health Clinic is known for its effective herpes treatment in Gurgaon through ethical Ayurveda, modern medicine, counseling, exercises, and Food Logs. 70 years of practicing ethical Ayurveda and modern medicines for the most effective herpes treatment in Gurgaon. Happy to have treated more than 1.1 Lakh Patients with an overwhelming success rate. We stay with you throughout your treatment with regular follow-ups.

What causes herpes?

The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin. It can also enter through the skin of your mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes.

How is herpes diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and look at the sores. He or she can do a culture of the fluid from a sore and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests on the fluid from a blister can also be done.

Can herpes be cured?

Yes, You can overcome herpes. Once you are infected after the Herpes Treatment in Gurgaon you can get rid of herpes, the virus remains in your body for so long but it can get treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms of Herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas — usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?

Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.


Most cases of herpes will produce no symptoms. However, if there are any symptoms, it is best to avoid trusted Sources engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex and get Herpes Treatment in Gurgaon.

A condom trusted Source or another barrier method may offer some protection, but it may not entirely stop the transmission.

It is best to have an open discussion with a new sexual partner about herpes and consider undergoing a test. If one person receives a diagnosis of herpes, they should inform all their recent sexual partners, who may also need a test and treatment.

Where can I get Herpes Treatment in Gurgaon?

At Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic, Lajpat Nagar Gurgaon, You can Get the Best Herpes Treatment in Gurgaon. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is Best Herpes Doctor in Gurgaon NCR at Best Skin Clinic in Delhi.

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Herpes Treatment in Greater Noida

Herpes Treatment in Greater Noida

Searching for Herpes Treatment in Greater Noida? | Herpes is an infection that comes from the herpes simplex virus. Although there is currently no cure, there are some treatments, including home remedies, that may help relieve the symptoms.

Symptoms of Herpes

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. If you experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Itching.
  • Painful urination.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headaches. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital and oral herpes infections. There is currently no cure for herpes, and the infection will remain in a person’s system for life.

However, some medications can lower the frequency and severity of symptoms. Some home remedies may work, including compresses, vitamins, and certain oils. Making dietary changes can also help.

Herpes Treatment in Greater Noida

Primary stage

This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. They may not even know they’re infected.

Dr. Monga Sexual Health Clinic is known for its effective herpes treatment in Greater Noida through ethical Ayurveda, modern medicine, counseling, exercises, and Food Logs. 70 years of practicing ethical Ayurveda and modern medicines for the most effective herpes treatment in Greater Noida. Happy to have treated more than 1.1 Lakh Patients with an overwhelming success rate. We stay with you throughout your treatment with regular follow-ups.

What causes herpes?

The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin. It can also enter through the skin of your mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes.

How is herpes diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and look at the sores. He or she can do a culture of the fluid from a sore and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests on the fluid from a blister can also be done.

Can herpes be cured?

Yes, You can overcome herpes. Once you are infected after the Herpes Treatment in Greater Noida you can get rid of herpes, the virus remains in your body for so long but it can get treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms of Herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas — usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?

Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.


Most cases of herpes will produce no symptoms. However, if there are any symptoms, it is best to avoid trusted Sources engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex and get Herpes Treatment in Greater Noida.

A condom trusted Source or another barrier method may offer some protection, but it may not entirely stop the transmission.

It is best to have an open discussion with a new sexual partner about herpes and consider undergoing a test. If one person receives a diagnosis of herpes, they should inform all their recent sexual partners, who may also need a test and treatment.

Where can I get Herpes Treatment in Greater Noida?

At Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic, Lajpat Nagar Greater Noida, You can Get the Best Herpes Treatment in Greater Noida. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is Best Herpes Doctor in Greater Noida at Best Skin Clinic in Delhi.

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Herpes Treatment in Karol Bagh

Herpes Treatment in Karol Bagh

Searching for Herpes Treatment in Karol Bagh? | Herpes is an infection that comes from the herpes simplex virus. Although there is currently no cure, there are some treatments, including home remedies, that may help relieve the symptoms.

Symptoms of Herpes

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. If you experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Itching.
  • Painful urination.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headaches. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital and oral herpes infections. There is currently no cure for herpes, and the infection will remain in a person’s system for life.

However, some medications can lower the frequency and severity of symptoms. Some home remedies may work, including compresses, vitamins, and certain oils. Making dietary changes can also help.

Herpes Treatment in Delhi

Primary stage

This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. They may not even know they’re infected.

Dr. Monga Sexual Health Clinic is known for its effective herpes treatment in Karol Bagh through ethical Ayurveda, modern medicine, counseling, exercises, and Food Logs. 70 years of practicing ethical Ayurveda and modern medicines for the most effective herpes treatment in Karol Bagh. Happy to have treated more than 1.1 Lakh Patients with an overwhelming success rate. We stay with you throughout your treatment with regular follow-ups.

What causes herpes?

The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin. It can also enter through the skin of your mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes.

How is herpes diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and look at the sores. He or she can do a culture of the fluid from a sore and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests on the fluid from a blister can also be done.

Can herpes be cured?

Yes, You can overcome herpes. Once you are infected after the Herpes Treatment in Karol Bagh you can get rid of herpes, the virus remains in your body for so long but it can get treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms of Herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas — usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?

Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.


Most cases of herpes will produce no symptoms. However, if there are any symptoms, it is best to avoid trusted Sources engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex and get Herpes Treatment in Karol Bagh.

A condom trusted Source or another barrier method may offer some protection, but it may not entirely stop the transmission.

It is best to have an open discussion with a new sexual partner about herpes and consider undergoing a test. If one person receives a diagnosis of herpes, they should inform all their recent sexual partners, who may also need a test and treatment.

Where can I get Herpes Treatment in Karol Bagh?

At Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic, Lajpat Nagar Karol Bagh, You can Get the Best Herpes Treatment in Karol Bagh. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is Best Herpes Doctor in Karol Bagh at Best Skin Clinic in Delhi.

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Herpes Treatment in Kashmiri Gate

Herpes Treatment in Kashmiri Gate

Searching for Herpes Treatment in Kashmiri Gate? | Herpes is an infection that comes from the herpes simplex virus. Although there is currently no cure, there are some treatments, including home remedies, that may help relieve the symptoms.

Symptoms of Herpes

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. If you experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Itching.
  • Painful urination.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headaches. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital and oral herpes infections. There is currently no cure for herpes, and the infection will remain in a person’s system for life.

However, some medications can lower the frequency and severity of symptoms. Some home remedies may work, including compresses, vitamins, and certain oils. Making dietary changes can also help.

Kashmiri Gate

Primary stage

This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. They may not even know they’re infected.

Dr. Monga Sexual Health Clinic is known for its effective herpes treatment in Kashmiri Gate through ethical Ayurveda, modern medicine, counseling, exercises, and Food Logs. 70 years of practicing ethical Ayurveda and modern medicines for the most effective herpes treatment in Kashmiri Gate. Happy to have treated more than 1.1 Lakh Patients with an overwhelming success rate. We stay with you throughout your treatment with regular follow-ups.

What causes herpes?

The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin. It can also enter through the skin of your mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes.

How is herpes diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and look at the sores. He or she can do a culture of the fluid from a sore and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests on the fluid from a blister can also be done.

Can herpes be cured?

Yes, You can overcome herpes. Once you are infected after the Herpes Treatment in Kashmiri Gate you can get rid of herpes, the virus remains in your body for so long but it can get treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms of Herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas — usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?

Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.


Most cases of herpes will produce no symptoms. However, if there are any symptoms, it is best to avoid trusted Sources engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex and get Herpes Treatment in Kashmiri Gate.

A condom trusted Source or another barrier method may offer some protection, but it may not entirely stop the transmission.

It is best to have an open discussion with a new sexual partner about herpes and consider undergoing a test. If one person receives a diagnosis of herpes, they should inform all their recent sexual partners, who may also need a test and treatment.

Where can I get Herpes Treatment in Kashmiri Gate?

At Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic, Kashmiri Gate, You can Get the Best Herpes Treatment in Kashmiri Gate. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is Best Herpes Doctor in Kashmiri Gate at Best Skin Clinic in Delhi.

All Categories

Herpes Treatment in Dilshad Garden

Herpes Treatment in Dilshad Garden

Searching for Herpes Treatment in Dilshad Garden? | Herpes is an infection that comes from the herpes simplex virus. Although there is currently no cure, there are some treatments, including home remedies, that may help relieve the symptoms.

Symptoms of Herpes

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. If you experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Itching.
  • Painful urination.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headaches. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital and oral herpes infections. There is currently no cure for herpes, and the infection will remain in a person’s system for life.

However, some medications can lower the frequency and severity of symptoms. Some home remedies may work, including compresses, vitamins, and certain oils. Making dietary changes can also help.

Dilshad Garden

Primary stage

This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. They may not even know they’re infected.

Dr. Monga Sexual Health Clinic is known for its effective herpes treatment in Dilshad Garden through ethical Ayurveda, modern medicine, counseling, exercises, and Food Logs. 70 years of practicing ethical Ayurveda and modern medicines for the most effective herpes treatment in Dilshad Garden. Happy to have treated more than 1.1 Lakh Patients with an overwhelming success rate. We stay with you throughout your treatment with regular follow-ups.

What causes herpes?

The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin. It can also enter through the skin of your mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes.

How is herpes diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and look at the sores. He or she can do a culture of the fluid from a sore and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests on the fluid from a blister can also be done.

Can herpes be cured?

Yes, You can overcome herpes. Once you are infected after the Herpes Treatment in Dilshad Garden you can get rid of herpes, the virus remains in your body for so long but it can get treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms of Herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas — usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?

Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.


Most cases of herpes will produce no symptoms. However, if there are any symptoms, it is best to avoid trusted Sources engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex and get Herpes Treatment in Dilshad Garden.

A condom trusted Source or another barrier method may offer some protection, but it may not entirely stop the transmission.

It is best to have an open discussion with a new sexual partner about herpes and consider undergoing a test. If one person receives a diagnosis of herpes, they should inform all their recent sexual partners, who may also need a test and treatment.

Where can I get Herpes Treatment in Dilshad Garden?

At Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic, Dilshad Garden Dilshad Garden, You can Get the Best Herpes Treatment in Dilshad Garden. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is Best Herpes Doctor in Dilshad Garden at Best Skin Clinic in Delhi.

All Categories

Herpes Treatment in Shahdara

Herpes Treatment in Shahdara

Searching for Herpes Treatment in Shahdara? | Herpes is an infection that comes from the herpes simplex virus. Although there is currently no cure, there are some treatments, including home remedies, that may help relieve the symptoms.

Symptoms of Herpes

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. If you experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Itching.
  • Painful urination.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headaches. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital and oral herpes infections. There is currently no cure for herpes, and the infection will remain in a person’s system for life.

However, some medications can lower the frequency and severity of symptoms. Some home remedies may work, including compresses, vitamins, and certain oils. Making dietary changes can also help.

Herpes Treatment in Shahdara

Primary stage

This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. They may not even know they’re infected.

Dr. Monga Sexual Health Clinic is known for its effective herpes treatment in Shahdara through ethical Ayurveda, modern medicine, counseling, exercises, and Food Logs. 70 years of practicing ethical Ayurveda and modern medicines for the most effective herpes treatment in Shahdara. Happy to have treated more than 1.1 Lakh Patients with an overwhelming success rate. We stay with you throughout your treatment with regular follow-ups.

What causes herpes?

The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin. It can also enter through the skin of your mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes.

How is herpes diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and look at the sores. He or she can do a culture of the fluid from a sore and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests on the fluid from a blister can also be done.

Can herpes be cured?

Yes, You can overcome herpes. Once you are infected after the Herpes Treatment in Shahdara you can get rid of herpes, the virus remains in your body for so long but it can get treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms of Herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas — usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?

Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.


Most cases of herpes will produce no symptoms. However, if there are any symptoms, it is best to avoid trusted Sources engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex and get Herpes Treatment in Shahdara.

A condom trusted Source or another barrier method may offer some protection, but it may not entirely stop the transmission.

It is best to have an open discussion with a new sexual partner about herpes and consider undergoing a test. If one person receives a diagnosis of herpes, they should inform all their recent sexual partners, who may also need a test and treatment.

Where can I get Herpes Treatment in Shahdara?

At Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic, Shahdara, Shahdara, You can Get the Best Herpes Treatment in Shahdara. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is Best Herpes Doctor in Shahdara at Best Skin Clinic in Delhi.

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Herpes Treatment in Faridabad

Herpes Treatment in Faridabad

Searching for Herpes Treatment in Faridabad? | Herpes is an infection that comes from the herpes simplex virus. Although there is currently no cure, there are some treatments, including home remedies, that may help relieve the symptoms.

Symptoms of Herpes

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. If you experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Itching.
  • Painful urination.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headaches. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital and oral herpes infections. There is currently no cure for herpes, and the infection will remain in a person’s system for life.

However, some medications can lower the frequency and severity of symptoms. Some home remedies may work, including compresses, vitamins, and certain oils. Making dietary changes can also help.

Herpes Treatment in Faridabad

Primary stage

This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. They may not even know they’re infected.

Dr. Monga Sexual Health Clinic is known for its effective herpes treatment in Faridabad through ethical Ayurveda, modern medicine, counseling, exercises, and Food Logs. 70 years of practicing ethical Ayurveda and modern medicines for the most effective herpes treatment in Faridabad. Happy to have treated more than 1.1 Lakh Patients with an overwhelming success rate. We stay with you throughout your treatment with regular follow-ups.

What causes herpes?

The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin. It can also enter through the skin of your mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes.

How is herpes diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and look at the sores. He or she can do a culture of the fluid from a sore and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests on the fluid from a blister can also be done.

Can herpes be cured?

Yes, You can overcome herpes. Once you are infected after the Herpes Treatment in Faridabad you can get rid of herpes, the virus remains in your body for so long but it can get treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms of Herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas — usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?

Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.


Most cases of herpes will produce no symptoms. However, if there are any symptoms, it is best to avoid trusted Sources engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex and get Herpes Treatment in Faridabad.

A condom trusted Source or another barrier method may offer some protection, but it may not entirely stop the transmission.

It is best to have an open discussion with a new sexual partner about herpes and consider undergoing a test. If one person receives a diagnosis of herpes, they should inform all their recent sexual partners, who may also need a test and treatment.

Where can I get Herpes Treatment in Faridabad?

At Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic, Lajpat Nagar Faridabad, You can Get the Best Herpes Treatment in Faridabad. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is Best Herpes Doctor in Faridabad NCR at Best Skin Clinic in Faridabad.

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Best Herpes Treatment in Delhi

Best Herpes Treatment in Delhi

Searching for Herpes Treatment in Delhi? | Herpes is an infection that comes from the herpes simplex virus. Although there is currently no cure, there are some treatments, including home remedies, that may help relieve the symptoms.

Symptoms of Herpes

Many people who get herpes never have symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and are mistaken for another skin condition. If you experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Painful sores in the genital area, anus, buttocks, or thighs.
  • Itching.
  • Painful urination.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Tender lumps in the groin.

During the first outbreak (called primary herpes), you may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever, and headaches. Many people who have a herpes infection will have outbreaks of sores and symptoms from time to time.

Symptoms are usually less severe than the primary outbreak. The frequency of outbreaks also tends to decrease over time.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital and oral herpes infections. There is currently no cure for herpes, and the infection will remain in a person’s system for life.

However, some medications can lower the frequency and severity of symptoms. Some home remedies may work, including compresses, vitamins, and certain oils. Making dietary changes can also help.

Herpes Treatment in Delhi

Primary stage

This stage starts 2 to 8 days after you’re infected. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. The area under the blisters will be red. The blisters break open and become open sores. You may not notice the blisters, or they may be painful. It may hurt to urinate during this stage.

While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms. They may not even know they’re infected.

Dr. Monga Sexual Health Clinic is known for its effective herpes treatment in Delhi through ethical Ayurveda, modern medicine, counseling, exercises, and Food Logs. 70 years of practicing ethical Ayurveda and modern medicines for the most effective herpes treatment in Delhi. Happy to have treated more than 1.1 Lakh Patients with an overwhelming success rate. We stay with you throughout your treatment with regular follow-ups.

What causes herpes?

The virus that causes genital herpes is usually spread from one person to another during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. The virus can enter your body through a break in your skin. It can also enter through the skin of your mouth, penis, vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus.

Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes.

How is herpes diagnosed?

Your doctor will do a physical exam and look at the sores. He or she can do a culture of the fluid from a sore and test it for herpes. Blood tests or other tests on the fluid from a blister can also be done.

Can herpes be cured?

Yes, You can overcome herpes. Once you are infected after the Herpes Treatment in Delhi you can get rid of herpes, the virus remains in your body for so long but it can get treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Herpes Simplex?

Symptoms of Herpes simplex virus typically appear as a blister or as multiple blisters on or around affected areas — usually the mouth, genitals, or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender sores.

How Is Herpes Simplex Treated?

Although there is no cure for herpes, treatments can relieve the symptoms. Medication can decrease the pain related to an outbreak and can shorten healing time. They can also decrease the total number of outbreaks. Drugs including Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex are among the drugs used to treat the symptoms of herpes. Warm baths may relieve the pain associated with genital sores.


Most cases of herpes will produce no symptoms. However, if there are any symptoms, it is best to avoid trusted Sources engaging in oral, anal, or vaginal sex and get Herpes Treatment in Delhi.

A condom trusted Source or another barrier method may offer some protection, but it may not entirely stop the transmission.

It is best to have an open discussion with a new sexual partner about herpes and consider undergoing a test. If one person receives a diagnosis of herpes, they should inform all their recent sexual partners, who may also need a test and treatment.

Where can I get Herpes Treatment in Delhi?

At Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic, Lajpat Nagar Delhi, You can Get the Best Herpes Treatment in Delhi. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is Best Herpes Doctor in Delhi NCR at Best Skin Clinic in Delhi.

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शरीर के विभिन्न हिस्सों में छोटी-छोटी फुंसियां हरपीज हो सकता है, नजरअंदाज ना करे

कई बार असुरक्षित सेक्स संबंध, शरीर के प्राइवेट पार्ट में गंदगी, साफ़ सुथरे प्राइवेट वस्त्रो को ना धारण करने से हरपीज की बीमारी उतन्न होने लगती हैं, अधिकतर हरपीज पार्टनर से संबंध बनाने से ओरल सेक्स के ज्यादा देखा गया हैं हालाकि इसके अन्य कारण भी हो सकते है परन्तु यह एक मेजर के रूप में उभरा हैं ! आज इस बीमारी को हम डिटेल में जानेगे और इससे निवारण के बारे में भी बतायेगे – इसके बेहतरीन चिकित्सक परामर्श भी आप दिए नंबर पर प्राप्त कर सकते है – (+91) 8010977000 / 9999219128

herpes Specialist Doctor Delhi/NCR
शरीर के विभिन्न हिस्सों में छोटी-छोटी फुंसियां हरपीज हो सकता है, सावधानी ही वचाव है – मिले Herpes Specialist से

हरपीज बीमारी क्या होता है? What is herpes?

शरीर पर निकल आएं पानी भरे दाने तो न करें नजरअंदाज, हो सकता है हर्पीस – शरीर पर निकल आएं पानी भरे दाने तो न करें नजरअंदाज, हो सकता है हर्पीस

कई बार देखा गया हैं कुछ लोगो में शरीर के विभिन्न हिस्सों में छोटी-छोटी फुंसियां निकल आती हैं, हालांकि इन्हें एलर्जी या फिर फंगल इंफेक्शन की निशानी मान बैठते हैं और संपूर्ण जांच कराने के बजाय नजरअंदाज करते रहते है । लेकिन सावधान ऐसा करना खतरनाक हो सकता है। शरीर पर निकलने वाली ये छोटी-छोटी फुंसियां आगे चलकर हर्पीस का लक्षण बन सकती हैं। यह एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसमें शरीर पर छोटे-छोटे पानी से भरे दाने निकल आते हैं जो बाद में शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में फैल जाते हैं और दिनोंदिन इनके साइज और एरिया में ब्रिधि होती रहती हैं ।

हरपीज के सामान्य लक्षण क्या है ? What are common symptoms of herpes?

हर्पीस की स्थिति में प्राइवेट पार्ट और शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में पानी भरे दाने निकल आते हैं। जैसे ही ये थोड़े बड़े होते हैं, फूट जाते हैं और जब यही पानी शरीर के अन्य हिस्से में लगता है तो वहां भी संक्रमण फैल जाता है। उन्होंने कहा, ‘अगर शरीर पर पानी भरे दानें निकलें तो उन्हें फोड़ें नहीं और न ही हाथ लगाएं। फोड़ने पर उनसे निकलने वाला पदार्थ शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों या फिर कपड़ों पर लग सकता है, जिससे वह शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में भी फैल सकता है। ऐसी स्थिति में रोगी को अन्य लोगों से दूर रखना चाहिए। उसके कपड़े, बर्तन यहां तक कि उसके इस्तेमाल की चीजें अलग रखनी चाहिए और वह साफ-सुधरी होनी चाहिए

हरपीज के अन्य लक्षण Others symptoms of herpes

१- प्राइवेट पार्ट या शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में पानी भरे दाने निकल जाना। थोड़े बड़े होते हैं, फूट जाते हैं और जब यही पानी शरीर के अन्य हिस्से में लगता है तो वहां भी संक्रमण फैल जाता है और पुन: अन्य हिस्सों में दाने निकल आना |
२- शरीर में दर्द ,खुजली । मुंह और शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में घाव हो जाना।
३- हमेशा बुखार रहना, लिंफ नोड्स काफी बड़ी हो जाना
४- शरीर पर जगह-जगह लाल रंग के चकते उभर जाना
५- इन दानों के निकलने के पहले रोगी को दर्द होना शुरू हो जाता है
६- दर्द होने के कुछ दिनों के बाद उस जगह की त्वचा पर लाल-लाल फुंसियां निकलनी शुरू हो जाती हैं। धीरे-धीरे इन दानों में पानी भर जाता है
७- जोड़ों में दर्द, सिरदर्द और थकान भी होना । फुंसियों में दर्द होना इस बीमारी का प्रमुख लक्षण है। कई रोगियों में यह दर्द काफी तेज होता है

हरपीज बीमारी क्यों होती है? Why herpes happen

वेरिसेला जोस्टर वायरस के कारण हर्पीस होती है। चूंकि यह एक संक्रामक बीमारी है इसलिए इसमें अत्यधिक सावधानी बरतना काफी जरूरी होता है। वैसे तो यह बीमारी 23 उम्र के बाद किसी भी व्यक्ति को और कभी भी हो सकती है, लेकिन माना जाता है कि इसका वायरस उस व्यक्ति को सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित करता है जो पहले से किसी अन्य संक्रमण से जूझ चुके है जैसे – चिकन पॉक्स …

हरपीज का कारण क्या है ? What are the causes of herpes

हर्पीस का वायरस किसी संक्रमित व्यक्ति की त्वचा की सतह पर मौजूद होता है अगर उस व्यक्ति के संपर्क में आने वाले अन्य व्यक्ति में प्राइवेट पार्ट, एनस या फिर मुंह के जरिए आसानी से फैल सकता है। हालांकि यह भी समझने की जरूरत है कि संक्रमित व्यक्ति द्वारा वॉशबेसिन, टेबल या किसी चीज को छुए जाने से यह इंफेक्शन नहीं फैलता। असुरक्षित यौन संबंधों और एनल सेक्स की वजह से भी हर्पीस की बीमारी हो जाती है।

अगर किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के साथ ओरल सेक्स किया जाए जिसके मुंह में घाव हैं तो भी यह बीमारी गिरफ्त में ले सकती है। इसके अलावा सेक्स टॉयज शेयर करने और किसी संक्रमित व्यक्ति के साथ यौन संपर्क से भी हर्पीस हो जाता है।

हर्पीस कितने प्रकार के होते हैं ? How many Types of herpes

हर्पीस दो तरह का होता है- HSV-1, हर्पीस टाइप 1 और ओरल हर्पीस और दूसरा HSV-2 यानी जिनाइटल हर्पीस या हर्पीस टाइप 2 । बात करें इस बीमारी के लक्षणों की, तो कई लोगों में महीनों तक तो इसके लक्षण नजर ही नहीं आते हैं । इसीलिए यह बीमारी जानलेवा साबित हो सकती है। वहीं कुछ लोगों में 10 दिनों के अंदर ही हर्पीस अपना रूप दिखाना शुरू कर देता है

हरपीज बीमारी कैसे ठीक होती है? how to treat herpes

इसके इलाज के लिए कुछ घरेलू तरीके भी अपनाए जा सकते हैं, जैसे कि हल्के गरम पानी में थोड़ा सा नमक डालकर नहाने से फायदा मिलता है। प्रभावित हिस्से पर पेट्रोलियम जैली लगाने से भी राहत मिलती है। इसके अलावा जब तक हर्पीस के लक्षण पूरी तरह से खत्म न हो जाएं तब तक यौन संबंध या किसी भी प्रकार की यौन क्रिया में शामिल न हों।

घरेलू इलाज के साथ-साथ डॉक्टरी इलाज जरूर कराएं, नहीं तो स्थिति गंभीर हो सकती है। हर्पीस के इलाज के लिए ऐंटी-वायरस मेडिसिन एसाइक्लोविर दवाई रोगी को दी जाती है ताकि उसके शरीर में उपस्थित वायरस नष्ट हो जाए

हरपीज बीमारी कितने दिन में ठीक होती है? in How many days herpes cure?

हरपीज का कोई इलाज नहीं है। लेकिन दवाएं मदद कर सकती हैं। उन्हें गोली, क्रीम या शॉट के रूप में दिया जा सकता है। एसाइक्लोविर और वैलेसीक्लोविर जैसी दवाएं हर्पीज वायरस से लड़ती हैं। वे उपचार में तेजी ला सकते हैं और कई लोगों के लिए दाद के दर्द को कम कर सकते हैं। उनका उपयोग प्राथमिक प्रकोप या आवर्तक प्रकोप के इलाज के लिए किया जा सकता है। यदि दवाओं का उपयोग पुनरावृत्ति का इलाज करने के लिए किया जा रहा है, तो जैसे ही आप झुनझुनी, जलन या खुजली महसूस करें, उन्हें शुरू कर देना चाहिए। पुनरावृत्ति को रोकने के लिए उन्हें हर दिन भी लिया जा सकता है।

दिल्ली एनसीआर में हरपीज के स्पेसिलिस्ट डॉक्टर कौन हैं ? Who is best herpes Specialist Doctor in Delhi/NCR

डॉ युवराज अरोरा मोंगा दिल्ली के बेस्ट सेक्सोलोजिस्ट हैं, जिन्हें हर्पीस के बेहतर ज्ञान और उसके प्रॉपर इलाज का बेहतरीन ज्ञान हैं – आप डॉ युवराज अरोरा जी से मिलकर हरपीज के समस्या से निजात पा सकते है

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Best Skin Clinic in Delhi NCR

Best Skin Clinic in Delhi NCR

Best Skin Clinic in Delhi NCR

Skin Disease

There are many problems like skin diseases, ringworm, scabies, itching, hair loss, infection in the sensitive parts of the body. Due to not paying attention on time and taking medicines without medical consultation, the problem increases, which later take serious form.

A dermatologist is a skincare doctor specializing in general skin care and diagnosing and treating diseases of the skin, hair and nails.In addition, dermatologists are knowledgeable in the operation of ornamental diseases of the skin ( similar as hair loss and scarring).

What is Dermatology?

Dermatology is a branch of drug concerned with the opinion, treatment and forestallment of conditions of the skin, hair, nails, oral depression and genitals. 2. Sometimes, ornamental care and improvement. Dermatology is precisely the study of the skin.

Best Skin Clinic in Delhi NCR
Best Skin Clinic in Delhi NCR

Here are some common conditions that a dermatologist can treat:-

  • vitiligo
  • acne
  • Dermatitis and Eczema
  • fungal infection
  • hair disorders
  • nail problems
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • skin cancer
  • shingles, or herpes zoster
  • warts
Best Skin Clinic in Delhi NCR
Best Skin Clinic in Delhi NCR

Best Dermatologist in india

Dr. Jyoti Arora at Dr. Monga Clinic is the best dermatologist in India for skin allergies, having treatedlakhs of patients suffering from skin problems through our effective,ethical Ayurvedic treatment.

For more information and appointment call – +91-8010977000, 9999219128

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What is the infectious disease?

What is the infectious disease?

What is the infectious disease?

Infectious diseases are defined as disorders caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi that can be spread directly or indirectly from one individual to another. Diseases spread from animals to humans, such as avian influenza, are known as zoonotic diseases.

What are primary symptoms of infectious disease?

  1. Bloody diarrhea
  2. Vomiting
  3. Fever
  4. Dehydration
  5. Shock
  6. Rash

What are the 1st Stage symptoms of infectious disease?

Each infectious disease has its own specific symptoms. General symptoms common to a number of infectious diseases include-

  1. Fever
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Fatigue
  4. Muscle aches
  5. Coughing

What is the consultation FEE of infectious disease specialist?

Is depend on clinical status after diagnose your problem. Generally STD specialist doctor counseling fee varies in between 1000 to 2000 Rs for 30 minutes session.

Who is the best infectious disease specialist in Delhi?

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is one of the best Infectious Disease Specialist Doctor in Delhi with an experience of 25+ years.

If you looking best Infectious Disease Specialist Doctor or counsellor call Me +91-8010977000

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Why Does Pep Fail? – Does Pep Work after 72 Hours

Does Pep Work after 72 Hours ?

How well does PEP work? If taken within 72 hours after possible exposure, PEP is highly effective in preventing HIV. But to be safe, you should take other actions to protect your partners while you are taking PEP.

What is PEP HIV ?

PEP (post exposure prophylaxis) means taking medicine to prevent HIV after a possible exposure.PEP Must Be Started Within 72 Hours of Possible Exposure to HIV

Talk right away (within 72 hours) to your health care provider, an emergency room hiv doctor, or an urgent care provider about PEP if you think you’ve recently been exposed to HIV:

  • During sex (for example, if the condom broke),
  • Through sharing needles, syringes, or other equipment to inject drugs (for example, cookers), or
  • If you’ve been sexually assaulted.
Does pep work after 72 hours

The sooner you start PEP, the better. Every hour counts. If you’re prescribed PEP, you’ll need to take it daily for 28 days.

  • PEP is for Emergency Situations
  • PEP is given after a possible exposure to HIV.
  • PEP is not a substitute for regular use of other HIV prevention.
  • PEP is not the right choice for people who may be exposed to HIV frequently.
  • If you are at ongoing risk for HIV, such as through repeated exposures to HIV, talk to your health care provider about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis).

How well does PEP work & What happens if you take PEP after 72 hours?

If taken within 72 hours after possible exposure, PEP is highly effective in preventing HIV. But to be safe, you should take other actions to protect your partners while you are taking PEP. This includes always using condoms with sexual partners and not sharing needles, syringes, or other equipment to inject drugs.

Are there any side effects?

PEP is safe but may cause side effects like nausea in some people.
In almost all cases, these side effects can be treated and aren’t life-threatening.

If you looking pep treatment for HIV doctor or counsellor call Me +91-8010977000

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Bawana

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Harsh Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Harsh Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Bawana

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Chandni Chowk

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Chandni Chowk inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Chandni Chowk. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Chandni Chowk with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Chandni Chowk, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Chandni Chowk, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Chandni Chowk

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Chandni Chowk

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Gulabi Bagh

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Gulabi Bagh inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Gulabi Bagh. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Gulabi Bagh with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Gulabi Bagh, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Gulabi Bagh, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Gulabi Bagh

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Gulabi Bagh

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in GTB Nagar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Harsh Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Harsh Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in GTB Nagar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Vasant Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Vasant Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Vasant Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Vasant Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Vasant Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Vasant Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Vasant Vihar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Sonia Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Sonia Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Sonia Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Sonia Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Sonia Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Sonia Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Sonia Vihar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Sarita Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Sarita Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Sarita Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Sarita Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Sarita Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Sarita Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Sarita Vihar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Gandhi Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Gandhi Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Gandhi Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Gandhi Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Gandhi Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Gandhi Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Gandhi Vihar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Gandhi Vihar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Prashant Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Prashant Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Prashant Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Prashant Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Prashant Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Prashant Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Prashant Vihar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Prashant Vihar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Wazir Pur

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Wazir Pur inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Wazir Pur. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Wazir Pur with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Wazir Pur, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Wazir Pur, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Wazir Pur

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Wazir Pur

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Harsh Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Harsh Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Harsh Vihar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Preet Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Preet Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Preet Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Preet Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Preet Vihar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Preet Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Uttam Nagar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Uttam Nagar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Uttam Nagar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Uttam Nagar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Uttam Nagar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Uttam Nagar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Uttam Nagar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Moti Nagar

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Moti Nagar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Moti Nagar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Moti Nagar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Moti Nagar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Moti Nagar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Moti Nagar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Moti Nagar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Karampura

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Karampura inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Karampura. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Karampura with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Karampura, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Karampura, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Karampura

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Badarpur

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Badarpur

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Dwarka

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Dwarka inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Dwarka. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Dwarka with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Dwarka, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Dwarka, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Dwarka

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Dwarka

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Samaypur Badli

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Samaypur Badli inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Samaypur Badli. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Samaypur Badli with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Samaypur Badli, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Samaypur Badli, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Adarsh Nagar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Adarsh Nagar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Adarsh Nagar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Adarsh Nagar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Adarsh Nagar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Adarsh Nagar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Adarsh Nagar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Adarsh Nagar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Mayur Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Mayur Vihar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Mayur Vihar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Mayur Vihar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Mayur Vihar , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Mayur Vihar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Mayur Vihar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Ashok Nagar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Ashok Nagar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Ashok Nagar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Ashok Nagar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Ashok Nagar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Ashok Nagar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Ashok Nagar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Ashok Nagar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Sarai Kale Khan

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Sarai Kale Khan inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Sarai Kale Khan. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Sarai Kale Khan with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Sarai Kale Khan , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Sarai Kale Khan, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Sarai Kale Khan

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Rajouri Garden

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Anand Vihar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Anand Vihar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Anand Vihar

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Narela

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Narela

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Narela

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Rohini

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Rohini inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Rohini. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Rohini with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Rohini , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Rohini, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Rohini

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Rohini

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Kamla Market

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Kamla Market inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Kamla Market. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Kamla Market with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Kamla Market, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Kamla Market, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Kamla Market

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Kamla Market

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Azadpur

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Azadpur inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Azadpur. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Azadpur with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Azadpur, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Azadpur, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Azadpur

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Azadpur

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Pitampura

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Pitampura inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Pitampura. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Pitampura with our unique method. our center is located in Pitampura.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Pitampura , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Pitampura, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Pitampura

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Punjabi Bagh

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Punjabi Bagh inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Punjabi Bagh. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Punjabi Bagh with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Punjabi Bagh , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Punjabi Bagh, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Punjabi Bagh

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in North Delhi

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in North Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in North Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in North Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in North Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in North Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in North Delhi

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Top Sexologist Doctors in West Bengal

Top Sexologist Doctors in West Bengal

Top Sexologist Doctors in West Bengal

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in West Bengal .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known s doctors in West Bengal .He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in West Bengal ,best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Uttarakhand

Top Sexologist Doctors in Uttarakhand

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Uttarakhand .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Uttarakhand . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Uttarakhand ,best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

Female sexologist for male near me
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Top Sexologist Doctors in Uttar Pradesh

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of the sexual response cycle that prevents an individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity. The most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis, and infertility. And in the case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm, and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for an underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted. In the case of female sexual pain disorders, the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over-exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury, and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counseling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means the inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Uttar Pradesh.

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctor in Uttar Pradesh. He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them with the best treatment for the same. Not only in India but he is also approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working for the past 21 years and his dedication to the profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for the best sexologist doctors in Uttar Pradesh, the best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR, best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr. Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128.

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Tripura

Top Sexologist Doctors in Tripura

Top Sexologist Doctors in Tripura

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Tripura.

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Tripura . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Tripura , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Telangana

Top Sexologist Doctors in Telangana

Top Sexologist Doctors in Telangana

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Telangana.

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Telangana . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Telangana , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Tamil Nadu

Top Sexologist Doctors in Tamil Nadu

Top Sexologist Doctors in Tamil Nadu

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Tamil Nadu.

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Tamil Nadu . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Tamil Nadu, best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Sikkim

Top Sexologist Doctors in Sikkim

Top Sexologist Doctors in Sikkim

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Sikkim .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Sikkim . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Sikkim ,best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Rajasthan

Top Sexologist Doctors in Rajasthan

Top Sexologist Doctors in Rajasthan

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Rajasthan.

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Rajasthan. He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Rajasthan , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Punjab

Top Sexologist Doctors in Punjab

Top Sexologist Doctors in Punjab

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Punjab .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Punjab . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Punjab , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Odisha

Top Sexologist Doctors in Odisha

Top Sexologist Doctors in Odisha

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Odisha

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Odisha . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Odisha , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Nagaland

Top Sexologist Doctors in Nagaland

Top Sexologist Doctors in Nagaland

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Nagaland

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Nagaland . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Nagaland , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Sarojini Nagar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Sarojini Nagar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Sarojini Nagar. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Sarojini Nagar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Sarojini Nagar.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Sarojini Nagar, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Sarojini Nagar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Sarojini Nagar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Lajpat Nagar

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Lajpat Nagar

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Lajpat Nagar inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Lajpat Nagar . Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Lajpat Nagar with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Lajpat Nagar.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Lajpat Nagar , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Lajpat Nagar, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Lajpat Nagar

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Nehru Place

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Nehru Place inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Nehru Place. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Nehru Place with our unique method. our center is located in Nehru Place

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Nehru Place, then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Nehru Place, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Nehru Place

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Faridabad

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Faridabad inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Faridabad. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Faridabad with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Faridabad.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Faridabad , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Faridabad, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Faridabad

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Faridabad

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Gurgaon

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Gurgaon inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Gurgaon. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Gurgaon with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Gurgaon.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Gurgaon , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Gurgaon, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Gurgaon

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Best Male Impotence Treatment in Kalkaji

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Kalkaji inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Kalkaji. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Kalkaji with our unique method. our center is located in Kalkaji.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Kalkaji , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Kalkaji, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Kalkaji

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Kalkaji

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Noida

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Noida

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Noida

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in Greater Noida

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in Greater Noida inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in Greater Noida . Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in Greater Noida with our unique method. our center is located .

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Greater Noida , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in Greater Noida , then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in Greater Noida

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in South Delhi

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in West Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in West Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in West Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in West Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in West Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in West Delhi

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in South Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in West Delhi

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in West Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in West Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in West Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in West Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in West Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in West Delhi

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Male Impotence Treatment in Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

All Categories

Best Male Impotence Treatment in East Delhi

What is Impotence in Mens?

A problem of over 10% of adult population can be fully investigated and treated. Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore provides specialized facilities for pharmacotherapy, cavernosometry and cavernosography, in addition to Doppler studies for assessment of blood flow. Penile implant are also implanted for the severe degree of impotence.
Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to achieve sexual satisfaction. Infertility is the lack of ability to achieve pregnancy. This issue can be related to a male or female.


The inability to maintain an erection. Sexual arousal isn’t just a physical concept; it’s a sensitive combination of physical as well as emotional factors, and anything that affects the system out of the line will have a negative impact on arousal and sexual performance:

● Stress causes a drop in testosterone levels, which affects the libido as well as the more mechanical ability to achieve an erection.
● Being in a long-term relationship, it might introduce a feeling of boredom and less excitement, which can also lead to impotence.
● Health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart stroke, kidney disease and continuous illness.
● Emotionally based conditions such as alcoholism and depression often cause impotence.
● Smoking negatively affects circulation, which directly affects the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Impotence Treatment
Impotence Treatment in East Delhi inability to maintain an erection. It is also known as erectile dysfunction , its means that a man’s penis doesn’t get hard enough to have sexual intercourse. Nowadays the chances of Impotence Treatment have increased in men. Impotence in one of those hidden disease, which can’t be ignored It is quite unacceptable to ignore an organ failure, it is a disease. It can be due to a number of factors.

With Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is best for Impotence Treatment in East Delhi. Over 22 years of Experience, We have succefully treated Impotence Treatment in East Delhi with our unique method. our center is located in Lajpat Nagar , Delhi.

Dr. Yuuvraj Arora Monga is offering wide range of ayurvedic products that will help in improving your health standards. If you are looking for Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in East Delhi , then don’t hesitate to try out our product. It is based on the Ayurveda and contains various naturally occurring substances.

Our researchers have spent years in finding out the correct composition of the extract. It contains various ingredients in the form of mineral supplement, vitamins, salt, herbal oil and several other substances. These ingredients help in curing the disease in a natural manner. Our item enhances the blood flow inside the body, in this way giving complete sustenance to the body tissues. Additionally, the item is likewise tried at our lab and is totally ok for customary use.

If you are seeking authentic Lack of Sex Desire Treatment in East Delhi, then we are sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure from the problem.

Male Impotence Treatment in East Delhi

Advanced Centre For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi-clinic

All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon among men most of which is related to stress. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction  basically can be defined as the inability for a man to get a penile erection or maintain a firm erection enough during a sexual intercourse. ED as seen in most cases have an adverse effect on sexual relationships and requires an experts medical help to correct it.

Signs & Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction signs & symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting & maintaining an erection
  • Reduced libido or the desire to have sex.
  • Inability to get a penile erection

Other sexual disorders related to ED include: Premature & Delayed ejaculation,incapacity to achieve an orgasm known as anorgasmia

Best Male Impotence Treatment in East Delhi

Diagnosis of ED

ED diagnosis includes a routine physical exam & revision of medical history  related to a patient’s sexual health by the doctor. Referring to the physical exam & tests the doctor will recommend a suitable treatment for the patient. Additional tests may be recommended if the patient suffers from a  health condition or if there any other underlying condition that the doctor may suspect.  

Additional test may include:

  • Physical exam. Examination of the patient’s  penis and testicles to check sensation in the nerves.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests to check for various health conditions including low testerone levels .
  • Urine tests . An analysis of the urine similar to blood tests to check for  for various health conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Detection of supply of blood to the penis is done through Ultrasound.
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. An NPT test uses a device which needs to be worn by the patient while asleep. The device evaluates The quality of nocturnal erections is evaluated by the device which further helps the doctors to recommend the appropriate treatment
  • Psychological exam.  A screening to check for signs  of any possible psychological factor causing erectile dysfunction

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is a certified sexologist and the director of Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Mediclinic. He is an Ayurvedic doctor who works Strictly on Ayurvedic Principles and Ayurvedic Medicines and is specialised in treating Diseases like: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low sperm count, Low Sexual Desires (Esp. Due to Low Testosterone levels), Tight Foreskin (Phimosis), Paraphimosis ,

And STD’s and STI’s like : Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Genital Warts etc After completing his basic medical studies from ABC university of health sciences India, Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga upgraded his set qualifications by undergoing a training from the University of England, United Kingdom. While upgrading his qualifications, he also did Intensive researches on Formulating Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of Sexual dysfunctions, STI’s and male infertility, and Stress Management to name a few.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga has tremendous Experience of treating STI’s, sexual dysfunctions, and sperm defects with the treatment modality which is known to be safe and free from side effects , i.e Ayurveda. Few Special Things About Him: Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is very down-to-earth and builds a friendly environment with the patients so that they feel their problems or secrets are safe with him. He does not manipulate his patients by telling them only the good things about their health, but he lets them know the flaws in their health and treats them accordingly. He doesn’t let his patients panic, in fact he tries to know their psychological condition and calm them down.

Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga believes that the first step of treating a patient is evaluating their issues properly and then suggesting them the treatment. Sexual problems like male infertility and STI’s are very sensitive which requires proper attention and treatment of an experienced sexologist. Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga is one of those rare doctors who deal with sexual problems like oligospermia (Low sperm count).

He uses natural ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dealing with such issues which do not have any side-effects on the patients. He helps people to live a better life by making their body go total Rejuvenation and Transformation. If you are suffering from such issues and want to get rid of them permanently, then don’t waste your time and book appointment with him. Note: CONSULTATIONS WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENTS ONLY.

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Mizoram

Top Sexologist Doctors in Mizoram

Top Sexologist Doctors in Mizoram

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Mizoram .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Mizoram . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Mizoram, best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Meghalaya

Top Sexologist Doctors in Meghalaya

Top Sexologist Doctors in Meghalaya

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Meghalaya .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Meghalaya . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Meghalaya , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Manipur

Top Sexologist Doctors in Manipur

Top Sexologist Doctors in Manipur

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Manipur .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Manipur . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Manipur , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Maharashtra

Top Sexologist Doctors in Maharashtra

Top Sexologist Doctors in Maharashtra

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Maharashtra .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Maharashtra . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Maharashtra , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Madhya Pradesh

Top Sexologist Doctors in Madhya Pradesh

Top Sexologist Doctors in Madhya Pradesh

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Madhya Pradesh .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Madhya Pradesh . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Madhya Pradesh , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Kerala

Top Sexologist Doctors in Kerala

Top Sexologist Doctors in Kerala

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Kerala .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Kerala . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Kerala , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Karnataka

Top Sexologist Doctors in Karnataka

Top Sexologist Doctors in Karnataka

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Karnataka .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Karnataka . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Karnataka , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top Sexologist Doctors in Jharkhand

Top Sexologist Doctors in Jharkhand

Top Sexologist Doctors in Jharkhand

Sexual Dysfunction is a problem that occurs during any phase of sexual response cycle that prevents individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. Most common types of sexual dysfunctions occurring in males include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (early discharge), decreased libido, small penis and infertility. And in case of females, infertility, sexual pain disorders, absent orgasm and decreased libido are the common sexual dysfunctions.

Erectile Dysfunction shares common risk factors with CVD (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, lack of exercise and smoking). It is a symptom and not a disease. If one is not evaluated for underlying disease it can lead to erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs prior to or within a minute of vaginal penetration. In case of decreased libido, there is absence of sexual thoughts and desires. Size of penis has also become an epidemic syndrome these days. Various potential factors are related to this problem. Some facts about penile size are, size varies from individual to individual, the flow of blood into the region leads to erection and there is no bone in it, during erection it can break if twisted.In case of female sexual pain disorders the common causes are hormonal imbalances, over exertion, substance abuse, relationship issues, diabetes, spinal cord injury and depression. Most common types of sexual pain disorders in females are vaginismus, dyspareunia. Management of such patients includes counselling, education, behavioral exercises, and involvement of the partner in the treatment. Infertility in females means inability to become pregnant. Infertility does not mean that you cannot have children, but you may require treatment to achieve a pregnancy. To achieve satisfactory treatment results for all these sexual dysfunctions, one must connect with best sexologist doctors in Jharkhand .

Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a well-known sexologist doctors in Jharkhand . He has treated thousands of people in this category and provided them the best treatment for the same. Not only India, he is approached by patients worldwide for treatment. He is working from past 21 years and his dedication towards profession has made him a well-known face. Dr. Yuvraj Monga has been honored with many awards.

So, if you are looking for best sexologist doctors in Jharkhand , best sexologist doctors in Delhi, NCR,best sexologist doctors near you, visit us – DR MONGA MEDI CLINIC C/O Dr Yuvraj Monga, 20, National Park (Basement), Lajpat Nagar Part-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110024. Or you can visit our site – or call us directly – +91-8010977000,9999219128 .

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Top sugar doctors in Uttarakhand – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Uttarakhand – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
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Top sugar doctors in Lucknow – Diabetologist Doctors

Sugar doctor in lucknow– Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problemssugar doctor in lucknow

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Top sugar doctors in West Bengal – Diabetologist Doctors

Sugar doctor in west Bengal– Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
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Top sugar doctors in Uttar Pradesh – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Uttar Pradesh – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Tripura – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Tripura – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Telangana – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Telangana – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Rajasthan – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Rajasthan – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Tamil Nadu – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Tamil Nadu – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Maharashtra – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Maharashtra – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Punjab – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Punjab – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Sikkim – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Sikkim – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Nagaland – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Nagaland – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Karnataka – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Karnataka – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Odisha – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Odisha – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Manipur – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Manipur – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Madhya Pradesh – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Madhya Pradesh – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Meghalaya – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Meghalaya – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Mizoram – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Mizoram – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Kerala – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Kerala – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Jharkhand – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Jharkhand – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Jammu and Kashmir – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Jammu and Kashmir – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Himachal Pradesh – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Himachal Pradesh – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Haryana – Diabetologist Doctors

Top sugar doctors in Haryana – Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems
All Categories

Top sugar doctors in Gujarat – Diabetologist Doctors

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

What is Diabetes?

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, your body does not make insulin. Your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes External link.

How common is diabetes?

As of 2015, 30.3 million people in the United States, or 9.4 percent of the population, had diabetes. More than 1 in 4 of them didn’t know they had the disease. Diabetes affects 1 in 4 people over the age of 65. About 90-95 percent of cases in adults are type 2 diabetes.1

Who is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes?

You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you are age 45 or older, have a family history of diabetes, or are overweight. Physical inactivity, race, and certain health problems such as high blood pressure also affect your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. You are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. Learn more about risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

What health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Eye problems
  • Dental disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot problems