Best sexologist for male sexual problems in Delhi

Best sexologist for male sexual problems in Delhi

How can a male sexologist help you with male sexual problems?

With growing complexities in life, we noticed an increase in infertile cases or sexual problems. The most surprising fact is that we witnessed a considerable increase in the number of male cases with sexual issues in recent times. With advancements in medical science, lots of treatments and medicines are now available to treat such issues. For that, you need to meet a professional expert in this particular segment of medical science. Who can be the one other than a sexologist? Hence it is necessary to consult with sexologists, who can guide you to treat such sex-related problems. Male sexologists with experience in ayurvedic medications will be the best destination for male patients. Ayurvedic treatment ensures treatments free from any side effects.

The importance of sex therapy

Male Sexual problems can happen to anyone at any age, so that they may need an expert’s advice. Otherwise, this can lead to other physical and mental trauma in a person. Conjugal life also gets poorly affected due to sexual problems.

So, when one can think of sex therapy from a sexologist?

  • If there is a constant lack of desire in having sex with your partner
  • When both male and female partner faces difficulty in orgasm
  • Inability in penetrative sex or when one feels pain during sex
  • While men suffer from erectile dysfunction and face problem to maintain an erection for successful penetration 
  • Male partner facing the problem of premature ejaculation leading to unsatisfied sex

Sex therapy session

The moment one realizes that there is some sex-related problem in him or her seeking a sexologist’s advice is a must. Male sexologists can offer the desired comfort to a male patient to talk freely about the problem with the doctor. The doctors will listen to your problems and that too, with patience, and try to find the root cause behind it. The sexologists may ask for some medical tests to detect the actual reason behind the problem.Thats why you should prefer male sexologist for male problems.

The type of therapy or treatment to be offered will be decided based on the case complexity. The expert may advise the patient to do some exercises and will suggest some medications too. Every session lasts on average for 30 to 50 minutes. Following the instruction of the sexologist will help in fast recovery or competent management of the sexual problems.

Ayurveda and sex therapy

In a very recent type, Ayurveda evolved as one of the most popular modes of treatment for problems related to infertility or sexual disorders.

If you trust Ayurvedic science, then you can consult with sex therapists specialized in ayurvedic treatments. The experts here at first will understand whether you are having Kapha or Vata or pitta related problems. Depending on the types of problems related to the three bodily senses of humor you face, experts will start their treatments. As per Ayurveda, it is suggested to maintain a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle to treat sexual problems. The experts will suggest different herbs to gain strength and more libido. Ayurveda sexologists recommend yoga regularly. This practice will enhance blood flow in the body and will remove many sex-related issues.  

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