Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction In Manesar Gurgaon

Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction In Manesar Gurgaon

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Find best ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction in Manesar Gurgaon ? Then visit Dr monga clinic,This clinic is best clinic for erectile dysfunction treatment.and providing best treatment for ED .if you want to get rid out of this problem,then you need to contact erectile dysfunction(ED) treatment doctor,ED treatment specialist doctor, ED doctor,specialist doctor for erectile dysfunction in Manesar Gurgaon . You can also book your appointment online for more info call@ +91-8010977000 and +91-9999219128

Ayurvedic Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction In Manesar Gurgaon

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) affects approximately 30 million men. This common problem can be a sign of a health condition that needs treatment such as poorly controlled diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Erectile dysfunction can limit your intimacy, affect your self-esteem and impact your most important relationships.


A man may have Erectile Dysfunction if he had failed to have an erection, or may have inconsistent ability to achieve an erection and lastly he can only sustain an erection briefly. Though it differs in symptoms among men, these only show signs of impotence. These symptoms can randomly occur at any age, but it is more likely to happen in men older than 75 years of age.


There are many cause of impotency, here is some of it:

Fatigue, Stress, anxiety or depression
Alcohol and tobacco: Drinking too much alcohol, smoking too much can cause erectile dysfunction.
 Drugs: Some medicines can cause erectile dysfunction such as antidepressants, pain medicine and medicine for high blood pressure
Brain or spinal-cord injuries
Hypogonadism: Sometimes your hormones get out of balance and this causes erectile dysfunction

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Radiation therapy to the testicles
  • Stroke
  • Some types of prostate or bladder surgery
  • Diabetes

Hypertension: You can’t get an erection if you cannot keep your blood sugar or your blood pressure under control.
Psychological: Problems in your relationship with your sexual partner can also cause erectile dysfunction.
 Age: Despite the long list of what causes impotence, Age is the biggest factor of them all.


The treatment, just like any other dysfunction, it is based on the cause of the impotence. There are simple home treatments such as exercise; particularly aerobics have been proven to be effective for erectile dysfunction. With your ED specialist doctor diagnosis on the impotency, he or she may recommend you to try some medicine to help out with erectile dysfunction.some medicines that are taken by orally. But there are some medications which is injected directly into the penis.

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