Accurate HIV Test at Home in Delhi | +91-8010977000

Accurate HIV Test at Home in Delhi | +91-8010977000

How to Get HIV Test Done at Home in Delhi?

Are you doubtful of getting affected by HIV? You need not have to worry about it any longer. This is due to the fact that there are facility testing is available. If you don’t want to be seen by others at the facility then you have the option of getting an HIV test at Home.   You can do these tests from the comfort of your home and without the knowledge of your neighbours or friends. However, these kits will vary from the ones that are used in the local clinic. But these kits are approved by FDA and you need not have to worry about its quality and accuracy. It will be similar to the tests done at the facility testing. But you should also be aware that there are companies out there who sell these kits without any approval and cannot be relied on.

When you decide to go for a home-based HIV testing always ensure that you go for the ones approved by the FDA. Of course, the home HIV test kits are costlier than the ones used by the local facility. Some of the local clinics might also provide this test for free of cost. But you still insist that you want to have an HIV test done at home, buy the kit from the local clinic or buy them from the local medical store.  You can even buy them online. But you will have to provide your details like name, address, and credit card information.

In case, there is a positive result when you do HIV tests at home, then you will not have the benefit of notification to your partner. In case, you get your HIV Test Near me i.e. from the local facility then it will be notified to your partner. In some cases, you might not have HIV but you might suffer from sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Intimating your partner is the preventive measure which is important and is done by the facility as a routine. When you do it at a local clinic, the report will be given and if it is positive, the necessary counselling will also be provided.

Book online doctor’s appointment – +91-8010977000

When you are going for HIV home test kits, you will be provided with a test ID card. This will help you in identifying your specimen. Ensure that you keep it safe and secure. Else, anyone who gains access to this card can get your results. Hence, keep it safe and don’t leave it out in the open. However, when you do it at the facility the confidentiality will be maintained. They will provide your test result in person and not over the phone or mail. Hence, your report will remain confidential.

These HIV home kits are user-friendly and are easier to operate. This is of two types. One is done with the blood samples and the other is done with the saliva. You should decide on the type that you want. Accordingly, these kits will come all the necessary things. For a blood sample, you have to use a pricking tool to get the blood from your finger and send it to the laboratory. For saliva testing, you will get the results after twenty minutes.

So, buy the Accurate HIV Test at Home in Delhi from the local store or clinic today!

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